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Ch 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands

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1 Ch 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands EQ – What methods did the U.S. use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?

2 The Arms Race: A “Missile Gap?”
The Soviet Union exploded its first A-bomb in 1949. Now there were two nuclear superpowers!

3 The Arms Race The Us and U.S.S.R. were M.A.D at each other
M – mutually A – assured D – destruction

4 Eisenhower's Policies Massive Retaliation1954 Brinkmanship
the US would answer any attack with a larger nuclear response Brinkmanship Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 1947 Protect “American interests” Helped establish anticommunist regimes in Iran and Guatemala

5 The Cold War Goes Global
Revolt In Hungary Hungarians thought they since Stalin was dead they could gain freedom U.S. Promised support Pushed soviet troops out of capital, US aid never came. Suez Canal Crisis Egypt tried to nationalize the canal Britain, France and Israel seized the canal, expecting US support. We didn’t give it.

6 The Space Race Sputnik I (1957)
The Russians have beaten America in space—they have the technological edge! So we create NASA

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