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Designing an Experiment

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1 Designing an Experiment

2 Flow Chart of Scientific Method- brainpop

3 What is an experiment? It is an organized plan to test a hypothesis. An experiment follows a definite plan. It documents data gathered. It attempts to answer a question(s).

4 Components of an Experiment
1. The Question, Purpose, or Reason for the experiment 2. Research – find background info to help with the experiment. 3. The HYPOTHESIS

5 Components of an Experiment
4. The Experimental Phase Materials Procedures

6 Components of an Experiment
5. Results 6. Conclusions

7 I. Posing a QUESTION 1. Design the experiment to
solve the question or problem. 2. Narrow down the question — be specific about what you want to find out. 3. Investigate one “?” at a time.

8 II Research the Question
Gather facts, evidence and previous data that has been researched about the problem question already by scientists. Observations and Inferences

A hypothesis is based on observations and previous knowledge or experience 1. It MUST be testable. 2. It is a POSSIBLE ANSWER to your question. 3. A hypothesis takes the form of an If… then… Statement.

10 Variables A variable is any factor that can change in an experiment.
Variables must be identified in order to test the hypothesis.

11 Identifying the Variables
Types of variables: 1. Manipulated Variable a. Also known as the independent variable b. The factor you will be purposely. changing and testing. c. is shown on the horizontal axis of a graph.

12 Identifying the Variables
2. Responding Variable a. also known as dependent variable b. The variable you predict will change as a result of the manipulated variable. c. Is shown on the vertical axis of a graph

13 If… then… statements If (manipulated or independent variable) ,
then (dependent variable). A hypothesis is written as an If… then… statement. These statements must be written in correct grammatical form.

14 IV. The Experiment Materials – make a list of all the materials needed to conduct your experiment.

15 IV. The Experiment Procedures (How to do the experiment)

16 The Procedures Includes a brief description of the experiment.
Identifies a plan to collect data and the variables Listed in numbered step-by-step description of how to conduct the experiment.

17 (Procedures – cont’d) Prepare a data table
Record - How the manipulated variable effects the responding variable

18 A “Controlled” Experiment
1. All conditions (variables) are kept the same except for the manipulated variable. 2. A “control” is used as a comparison in the experiment. (A standard against which to measure results.)

19 V. Gathering & Interpreting Data
Gather your data during the experiment in a data table and log.

20 V. Gathering & Interpreting Data
Make a graph from the data table

21 V. Gathering & Interpreting Data
Explain the data: Look for comparisons, trends, patterns Make inferences from data and compare them with what you already know Ask & answer: how, what, why.

22 VI. Conclusion - Your reflections on what happened in the experiment.
Compare data and graph with your hypothesis and decide whether the hypothesis is true or false.

23 VI. Conclusion Reflect upon & discuss your how, what, why answers.

24 VI. Conclusion Raise new questions and redesign a new experiment.

25 VI. Conclusion Make a statements that summarize what “you” have learned from the experiment.

26 Precision vs. Accuracy Precision- Accuracy ** Brainpop%**

27 Science is…

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