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Logging Service Hours using MyNDSU

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Presentation on theme: "Logging Service Hours using MyNDSU"— Presentation transcript:

1 Logging Service Hours using MyNDSU

2 How to log hours as a member in an organization
Members How to log hours as a member in an organization

3 Go to

4 Click Sign in (top right corner) and use your blackboard login information

5 This is the main screen after you log into MyNDSU

6 Click your name icon in the top right corner to reveal the menu

7 Click the service hours link on the menu to go to the main service hours page

8 Click “add service hours” and fill out the form.
Use the “select organization” dropbox to pick the org you want the hours to be counted towards

9 While you wait for your hours to be approved they will show up under the “pending” tab

10 If your hours are approved they will show up in the “Approved” tab

11 You can press the eye icon to the right of each submission to see any comments from officers

12 If your hours are denied they will be listed on the “Denied” tab
From here you can edit, resubmit, or delete your submission

13 When you click edit, you can make changes and see why your submission was denied

14 Officers Submitting Hours
How to submit hours on behalf of members (must have administrative access on MyNDSU, have president add your officer position to MyNDSU)

15 Go to

16 Click Sign in (top right corner) and use your blackboard login information

17 This is the main screen after you log into MyNDSU

18 Click the menu (with 9 little squares) in the top right to make sure you are in “Manage” mode

19 Select the Organization you would like to approve/deny hours for

20 After you click the organization it will bring you to the organization’s home page

21 Select the Organization menu in the top left corner (3 lines with org name)

22 After getting to the service hours portal, click “Add Service Hours” in the top right corner

23 Fill out the Service Hours Form with the name of the member who volunteered (they must be on your MyNDSU Roster to be able to be selected) Clicking create brings you back to the main service hours portal

24 The pending tab will show which hours have been submitted and need to be approved/denied

25 The approved tab will show you all the hours that have been approved for your organization

26 The deny tab will show you all the hours that have been denied for your organization

27 Officers Managing Hours
How to approve or deny hours submitted by members (must have administrative access on MyNDSU)

28 Go to

29 Click Sign in (top right corner) and use your blackboard login information

30 This is the main screen after you log into MyNDSU

31 Click the menu (with 9 little squares) in the top right to make sure you are in “Manage” mode

32 Select the Organization you would like to approve/deny hours for

33 After you click the organization it will bring you to the organization’s home page

34 Select the Organization menu in the top left corner (3 lines with org name)

35 Selecting Service Hours in the organization menu bar will bring you to the manage page

36 The pending tab will show which hours have been submitted and need to be approved/denied

37 If you want to approve the submission, click “Approve” and leave any comments for the member

38 If you want to deny the hours, click deny and leave why it is being denied in the comments

39 The approved tab will show you all the hours that have been approved for your organization

40 The deny tab will show you all the hours that have been denied for your organization

41 Other Info about submitting hours

42 Other info MyNDSU is now the official way for organizations to submit hours, we will not accept hours submitted through the Qualtrics this year If you are not apart of an organization, you can join the Volunteer Network on MyNDSU and submit hours through the VN The Volunteer Network will receive reports from your organization's MyNDSU submissions and will use that for Bison Service Challenge this year Please try to submit hours as soon as you complete them to stay on track throughout the year Please submit all hours you want to be counted towards the BSC by 4/13/2019 The Bison Leadership Awards will take place on 4/24/2019

43 What does not count as Service Hours
The following is a list of activities that will not be counted as service for the Bison Service Challenge: Travel time to and from service sites Work that specifically promotes a political party, political figure, or political cause Fundraising and/or philanthropy events organized by your student group (volunteering during a philanthropy event at a nonprofit will count) Tabling in the Memorial Union (including selling tickets for an event), participation in the Student Involvement Fair, or tabling elsewhere on campus Court appointed hours Time spent acting in a specific role for an NDSU student group, organization, or athletic team (i.e. managing a team, vice-president of a group, etc.) Attending an event that is required by your organization other than a campus service event (e.g. meetings, philanthropy events, recruitment events, etc.) Collecting items for drives such as food, clothing, etc. Donating to a cause (including blood donation)

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