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Tone 1) The emotion created by the author’s writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Tone 1) The emotion created by the author’s writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tone 1) The emotion created by the author’s writing.
2) The way the author feels about his or her subject.

2 Homily A sermons that uses Christian biblical beliefs to
persuade listeners and readers of a moral or ethical idea.

3 Metaphor Comparing two unlike things to create an image in the readers mind or a better understanding of the topic. Ex.1: Ms. Geiss is a bear. Ex.2: The snow was a blanket on the ground.

4 Activity What is the tone of each writing?
What is the message of each writing?

5 Activity As a class you will write a literary analysis paper for the prompt: Compare the messages expressed in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and “Upon the Burning of our House” by analyzing the tones in each writing. To do this consider the use of diction, syntax, and literary devices.

6 Activity Each group will be responsible for one of the paragraphs:
Introduction Diction Syntax Literary Devices #1 Literary Devices #2

7 Activity Compare the messages expressed in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and “Upon the Burning of our House” by analyzing the tones in each writing. To do this consider the use of diction, syntax, and literary devices. Remember… Topic Sentence Direct Quotes introduced with a tag phrase Analysis Repeat Step for other work Make sure to link to the prompt: How does the literary device work to create a tone for each work and does this result in the same of message or different messages? (3 parts)

8 Activity When you are finished:
Please send your paragraph to me so that I can compile the paragraphs into a paper and send them to the class.

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