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Equation-Based Rate Control: Is it TCP-friendly

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1 Equation-Based Rate Control: Is it TCP-friendly
Equation-Based Rate Control: Is it TCP-friendly ? Milan Vojnovic Joint work with Jean-Yves Le Boudec ARC TCP Workshop, ENS, Paris, November 5-7, 2003

2 The Axiom: TCP-friendliness
Requires adaptive sources to obey to TCP in the following sense: TCP-friendliness (late 1990’s) “A flow that is not TCP-friendly is one whose long-term arrival rate exceeds that of any conformant TCP in the same circumstances.” Floyd and Fall, 1999

3 Equation-Based Rate Control: Basic Control
Estimator of 1/p: Send rate: Example Protocol: TFRC (RFC 3448, IETF proposed standard, Jan 2003)

4 Is Equation-Based Rate Control a TCP Friend ?
We deduce: the Engineering Intuition p -> f(p) is TCP loss-throughput formula So, it must be that if I adjust the send rate at loss-events to f(), evaluated at the on-line estimated loss-event rate, my new protocol will be TCP-friendly Problem: When the Intuition is True and when Not ?

5 Outline 1. Breakdown the TCP-friendliness into sub-conditions, study the sub-conditions separately Why the common evaluation practice to verify TCP-friendliness is not good ? 2. TCP-friendliness is difficult to verify Counterexamples to TCP-friendliness 3. Conservativeness is easier Sufficient conditions for conservativeness Or bounded non-conservativeness

6 1. Common Evaluation Practice
Common Practice: measured throughputs x x’ Non-TCP TCP Test: TCP-friendly iff x <= x’ Why the common evaluation practice is NOT GOOD ? - hides a cause of the observed throughput deviation - may lead a protocol designer to an improper adjustment

7 Breakdown the TCP-Friendliness Condition
(I) Does the source verify x <= f(p,r) ? (II) Does the source attain the same loss-event rate as TCP ? (III) Does the source see the same average round-trip time as TCP ? (IV) Does TCP verify its throughput formula ? Important to BREAKDOWN the TCP-friendliness condition into sub-conditions, and study them separately !

8 Breakdown the TCP-Friendliness Condition (Cont’d)
Equation-Based Rate Control (x, p, r) (x’, p’, r’) throughput loss-event rate average RTT (I) Conservativeness x <= f(p, r) (II) Loss-Event Rates p >= p’ (III) Round-Trip Times r >= r’ (IV) Obedience of TCP to the Formula x’ >= f(p’, r’) If (I), (II), (III), and (IV) hold, that implies TCP-friendliness.

9 2. Counterexample to TCP-Friendliness: AIMD experiences larger loss rate than EBRC
Example 1: Either One AIMD or One EBRC over a Link AIMD (a,b) r (1) EBRC r Ass. EBRC uses f(p) in (1) TCP-like (b=1/2) p’/p=16/9 (approx ) Ob: p’ > p <=> non-TCP-friendliness

10 Convergence for One EBRC over a Link
slope K2/2

11 Convergence for One EBRC over a Link (Cont’d)
Can be seen as Jacobi iterative solving of: The equilibrium point: If stable: Remarks both AIMD and EBRC are rate-based both AIMD and EBRC are fluid, no packetization effects => the deviation of the loss-event rates is intrinsic to the very nature of the dynamics of the two controls

12 Validation by ns-2 Simulation
x/x’ TFRC b pakets b TCP b pakets x/f(p,r) p’/p r’/r x’/f(p’,r’) Breakdown:

13 AIMD sees larger loss rate than EBRC (Cont’d)
Example 2: One AIMD and One EBRC Competing for a Link time t is a loss-event iff at t- the sum of the send rates of the two sources = r a loss-event is assigned to either AIMD or EBRC Zn = 1 iff the nth loss-event is assigned to EBRC, else Zn=0 g : R+L+1 -> R+ is a non-linear function; the system is non-linear

14 Example 2: Numerical Simulations

15 Example 2: Validation by ns-2 Simulation
x/x’ TCP TFRC b pakets b x/f(p,r) p’/p r’/r x’/f(p’,r’) Breakdown:

16 Internet Measurements
EPFL Long-lived transmissions with TFRC and TCP Estimated: loss-event rates, average round-trip times, throughputs INRIA, KTH, UMASS,UMELB

17 EPFL to UMASS x/f(p,r) p’/p r’/r x’/f(p’,r’) x/x’
Breakdown into Sub-Conditions: TFRC/TCP throughput x/x’

18 3. Conservativeness assume: the send rate is a stationary ergodic process Convergence: The send rate control: The estimator is updated at special points in time Q. Is x <= f(p) ?

19 Conditions for Conservativeness
In practice: the conditions are true, or almost the result explains overly conservativeness

20 Is Negative or Slightly Positive ?
Internet LAN to LAN EPFL sender Internet LAN to cable-modem at EPFL Lab

21 Throughput-Drop Puzzle
Empirical indications: TFRC looses throughput for large loss-event rates E.g. Bansal et al (ACM SIGCOMM 2001): “ … in return to for smoother transmission rates, slowly-responsive algorithms lose throughput to faster ones (like TCP) under dynamic network conditions.” Cause: convexity of 1/f(1/x) PFTK SQRT L=2 4 8 16 PFTK-simplified Why ?

22 What Causes Excessive Conservativeness ?
Palm inversion: Throughput: May make the control conservative ? !

23 What Causes Excessive Conservativeness ? (Cont’d)
1/f(1/x) is assumed to be convex, thus, it is above its tangents take the tangent at 1/p the “overshoot” bounded by a function of p and

24 Conclusion 1. Breakdown the TCP-friendliness into sub-conditions, study the sub-conditions separately 2. TCP-friendliness is difficult to verify 3. Conservativeness is easier

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