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Modifying Gravity to Reduce the

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1 Modifying Gravity to Reduce the 𝐻 0 Tension
Meng-Xiang Lin, Marco Raveri, Wayne Hu arXiv: at H0 workshop

2 Motivation Current H0 tension between CMB and local H0 measurements
Modified gravity is tested at late times Study modified gravity at early times

3 Parameterized Phenomenological MG
Background: fixed to LCDM Perturbation: 𝑘 2 Φ=−4𝜋𝐺 𝑎 2 𝜌Δ 𝑘 2 Φ−Ψ =12𝜋𝐺 𝑎 2 𝜌+𝑃 𝜎 GR: 𝑘 2 Ψ=−4𝜋𝐺 𝑎 2 𝜇[𝜌Δ+3 𝜌+𝑃 𝜎] 𝑘 2 Φ−𝛾Ψ =12𝜋𝐺 𝑎 2 𝜇 𝜌+𝑃 𝜎 MG: (Hojjati et al. 2011) 𝜇(𝑎,𝑘): the effective strength of gravity (𝐺→𝜇𝐺) 𝛾 𝑎,𝑘 : difference between the gravitational effects on non-relativistic and relativistic matter

4 𝜇 ∞ =1.2: the value at beginning
of the Universe 𝝁, 𝜸 in this work: Step function of time 𝑎 𝑇 : transition time (z=30) 𝜇 0 =1: the value today

5 Late time parameters: 𝝁 𝟎 , 𝜸 𝟎

6 Late time parameters: 𝝁 𝟎 , 𝜸 𝟎

7 Late time parameters: 𝝁 𝟎 , 𝜸 𝟎
It’s very hard to reduce the tension by only changing the lensing potential (by only modifying gravity at late times)

8 Early time parameter: 𝝁 ∞
Mention the axis —— 𝜇 ∞ = GR

9 Early time parameter: 𝝁 ∞
Mention the axis —— 𝜇 ∞ = GR

10 Early time parameter: 𝝁 ∞
Peak locations in GR 1: phase shift 2: driving effect 10

11 ΛCDM with CMBTT results:
H 0 =67.26±0.99 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ with CMBTT results: H 0 =67.80±1.27 km/s/Mpc

12 split 𝐻 0 ≈70 km/s/Mpc

13 split 𝐻 0 ≈70 km/s/Mpc

14 μ ∞ with CMBtension results: H 0 =69.35±0.80 km/s/Mpc
CMBall: CMBTT+CMBlens+CMBpol CMBtension: CMBall+H0+WL ΛCDM with CMBTT results: H 0 =67.26±0.99 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ with CMBTT results: H 0 =67.80±1.27 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ with CMBtension results: H 0 =69.35±0.80 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ >1 at 98% CL

15 μ ∞ with CMBtension results: H 0 =69.35±0.80 km/s/Mpc
CMBtension: CMBall+H0+WL ALL: CMBtension+BAO+SN μ ∞ with CMBtension results: H 0 =69.35±0.80 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ >1 at 98% CL μ ∞ with ALL results: H 0 =68.57±0.50 km/s/Mpc μ ∞ >1 at 95% CL

16 Summary Ability to reduce H 0 tension: μ 0 + γ 0 YES NO μ ∞ NO? γ ∞
CMB TT CMB TT+ CMB Lensing CMB Lensing+ CMB polarization CMB polarization+ H0+WL H0+WL+ BAO+SN μ 0 + γ 0 YES NO μ ∞ NO? γ ∞


18 CMB anisotropy source functions in k-space

19 Shift on BAO peak

20 TE residual for 𝜇 ∞

21 Relation between lensing and 𝜎 8 𝑊𝐿 Ω 𝑚 0.5

22 Impact on lensing potential


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