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Civil Service Act in the Czech Republic

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1 Civil Service Act in the Czech Republic
Petra Holubova, Ministry of Regional Development CZ Vladimír Kváča, former director at Ministry of Regional Development Anna Kárníková, former director at Government office

2 2002 - 2004 Before accession to the EU no civil servant law in CZ.
Labour code applies. Part of accession negotiations.

3 2002 - 2004 Civil servant act adopted.
… but came into force only for municipalities and regions. For central bodies never effective, several times postponed.

4 July 10, 2013 Vladimir‘s very personal story Not unusual situation.
Political cleansings down to the level of head of units several time negatively affected ESIF programmes (education, environment)…

5 Effective civil servant act included to be part of ex-ante conditionalities.
2014 – 2020 period negotiations Difficult negotiations. Law in force since Jan 2015.

6 Limiting political influence Firing senior People/ managers
Unsatisfactory performance appraisal (can be done only by direct supervisor in March). The service post of a senior civil servant is abolished (can be done only at the end of the year, Government decision). Limiting political influence Firing senior People/ managers

7 Limiting political influence Hiring people
Compulsory selection process. Detailed rules for who can apply for senior/management position.

8 To become a director at the ministry,
At least head of unit at a ministry regional government city international organisation A member of the academy, who is in charge of other employees Example: To become a director at the ministry, a person have to be at least for 3 of the last 6 years

9 Petra Holubova, Ministry of Regional Development CZ
Civil Service Act Civil servants – independence and quality of performance Petra Holubova, Ministry of Regional Development CZ

10 Key Conditions of Appointment to Civil Service
Basic conditions will adhere in their service to the democratic principles of the constitutional order of the Czech Republic and duly perform their service An applicant for appointment to the civil service shall a) be a citizen of the Czech Republic, a citizen of an EU Member State b) be at least 18 years old, c) have full legal capacity, d) have no previous criminal record, e) have accomplished education stipulated hereby, and f) be of good health. A vacant service post shall be filed through a selection process.

11 Oath of Service I do solemnly affirm to my honour and belief that I will execute my civil service in compliance with legal and service regulations as well as with orders given by senior civil servants. I will fulfil my duties to the best of my ability and I will remain impartial, dutiful, and professional. I will defend interests of the Czech Republic, will not abuse my status of a civil servant and will act and perform to maintain public trust in the civil service. Ethical conduct rules are given in service instructions.

12 Branches of Service and Civil Service Examination
Branches of Service are set on each service post according to main responsibilities covered (total number 79) 1 or more – usually 2/3 – max. up to 10 Civil Service Examination general exam (general test) – 30 randomly selected questions from the list of 300 special exam (each branch given) – verbal exam, 3 questions out of 20 given, list of bibliography 1 year (fixed term contract) - 2 attempts employees in system 2015 – exam acknowledged as to the work experience

13 Duties and Rights of Civil Servants
remain loyal to the Czech Republic when performing service, perform service impartially, act within the limits of their authority, and while performing service refrain from anything that could undermine the trust in their impartiality, when performing service, observe the laws and other legal provisions governing the service, service instructions and service orders, perform service assignment personally, dutifully and in a timely manner, increase their qualifications as required by the appointing authority, keep service discipline, provide information about the activities of the service authority pursuant to the Act on Free Access to Information if such duty is included in their service tasks, keep confidential any facts they learned during their service, and many others (§77 and following)

14 System of performance based civil servants´ service evaluation
Basic rules performance appraisal for the previous calendar year once a year always in the first quarter of the following year list of criteria given trainings and work goals Process immediate supervising senior civil servant in collaboration with the appointing authority achievement of individual personal development and work goals is also examined (predefined in the previous year evaluation) civil servant shall receive an original copy of their performance appraisal written complaint possible

15 List of criteria A. Knowledge and skills
Knowledge of laws, procedures, requirements, principles and policies... Skills - communication (3), teamwork and cooperation (3), personal attitude and initiative (5), self- reflection and self-management (1), accuracy, thoroughness, sense for detail (1), client orientation (2), handling of conflicts and conflict resolution (1) Managerial skills and motivation (2) B. Correct, prompt, and independent performance… Results reached – service performance (3) Problem resolution and judgement (3) C. Service discipline Compliance with laws, laws guiding service, service instructions, and orders D. Results in education Personal development in the context of the civil service

16 System of service evaluation – shares and points
Share on the service evaluation 25 % knowledge and professional skills 60 % correct, prompt, and independent performance in line with predefined individual objectives 10 % as regards service discipline 5 % as regards education/trainings completed Classification 7 points - civil servant performance far beyond requirements 5 points - beyond requirements 3 points - in line with requirements 1 point - in line with requirements with occasional reservations 0 points - performance be insufficient

17 Results V2 = 0,25 x A + 0,6 x B + 0,1 x C + 0,05 x D Performance:
outstanding 4,6 points good 4,59 to 3,2 points satisfactory 3,19 to 0,9 points unsatisfactory less than 0,9 points Strict link between results of the service evaluation and civil servants´ personal benefits – date of possible change 1st May (unified). List of trainings and work goals for the next year to be fulfilled (and checked next evaluation).

18 Group work Discuss in groups (10 min):
what you (dis)like in the CZ Civil servant act? how do you expect it works in practice? ask CZ colleagues for details if needed. Share the main points with others (2 min) Group work

19 Thanks for your attention
Petra Holubova,

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