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THE NACIREMA TRIBE Essential Question: How can individuals and their culture be misunderstood?

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1 THE NACIREMA TRIBE Essential Question: How can individuals and their culture be misunderstood?

2 Body Ritual Among the Nacirema
Horace Miner observed a tribe called the Nacirema and published an article in American Anthropologist in 1956. The article entitled “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema,” described the “magical beliefs and practices” of this tribe in great detail. Miner expressed concern about several slightly masochistic* tendencies of this group of people. There have been other researchers that have also studied the tribe and support Miner’s findings. *finding pleasure in one’s own suffering

3 Here are some of the Nacirema customs:
Scraping and lacerating the face or legs with a sharp instrument. Piercing the skin with sharp instruments and then taking great care to keep the holes from closing again. Ceremonial painting of the body. Insertion and ritualistic movement of a bundle of hog hairs in the mouth several times a day.

4 The people of this tribe seek out the assistance of medicine men many times during the course of a year to … treat physical ailments, release them from the power of devils that have lodged in their heads, and gouge holes in their teeth (this is done in hopes of avoiding oral decay and offending one’s friends).

5 They gather in large numbers to watch clans within the tribe enact small battles, often with many physical injuries. They observe individual tribe members fight to unconsciousness.

6 Answer in your journal:
Where in the world do you think the Nacirema live? Why? List at least 4 adjectives to describe this tribe’s customs. Look at your list. Are the words mostly positive or negative? How would you deal with a Nacirema student in your school?

7 Discuss your answers with your classmates.

8 Now read the name of the tribe BACKWARDS:

9 Can you identify the “Nacirema” customs?
Scraping and lacerating the face or legs with a sharp instrument. SHAVING Piercing the skin with sharp instruments and then taking great care to keep the holes from closing again. PIERCINGS Ceremonial painting of the body. TATTOOS, MAKE-UP

10 Insertion and ritualistic movement of a bundle of hog hairs in the mouth several times a day. BRUSHING TEETH (Toothbrushes used to be made out of hog hairs. After DuPont invented nylon, modern toothbrushes were developed in the 20th century.)

11 The people of this tribe seek out the assistance of medicine men many times during the course of a year to … treat physical ailments, DOCTORS release them from the power of devils that have lodged in their heads, THERAPISTS gouge holes in their teeth (this is done in hopes of avoiding oral decay and offending one’s friends). DENTISTS

12 They gather in large numbers to watch clans within the tribe enact small battles, often with many physical injuries. ATHLETIC EVENTS They observe individual tribe members fight to unconsciousness. BOXING, UFC FIGHTING

13 Write in your journal: Were you surprised when you figured out who the Nacirema were? Explain why or why not. Now that you realize that you’re a member of this tribe, would you change the adjectives to describe yourselves (question #2)? Why?

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