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A Peek at the Week January 11 – January 15 , 2016 Important Notes

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Presentation on theme: "A Peek at the Week January 11 – January 15 , 2016 Important Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Peek at the Week January 11 – January 15 , 2016 Important Notes
Looking ahead: 1-12 PTO Meeting 7-8pm 1-13 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8:30pm 1-14 Thankful Thursday 1-15 In-Service Day NO SCHOOL for students End of 2nd nine weeks 1-16 MB Winter Celebration 1-18 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Day 1-19 Best Burger Dine Out 1-21 MB Skate Party 1-22 Ties and Tutu’s Plain Dance 1-26 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8:30pm * ***************************************************** PTO Corner Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Break. Please join us on January 12 @ 7pm for our 1st Meeting of 2016 Any questions, please contact: ******************************************************** In Plain Local, THE LAST DAY OF EACH WEEK is green and gold day! GO EAGLES! Reading Street Unit 3: Concept Question: What happens when animals change? Story: Farfallina & Marcel (Animal Fantasy) Comprehension Skill: Plot Phonics: Ff /f/ High Frequency Words: see, look Amazing Words: goose, gosling, caterpillar, butterfly, reflection, cocoon Writing/Grammar: Verbs for Now and the Future Everyday Math 5.2 Roll and Record with Dot Dice. Children find, record, and analyze sums of dice rolls. 5.3 Ten Bears on a Bus Children play a cooperative game to generate combinations that add to 10. 5.4 Find and Draw Shapes Children describe and draw shapes found in pictures. 5.5 Shapes All Around Children identify shapes on a “shape walk” and use positional words to describe their locations.


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