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Patient Safety Forum.

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Presentation on theme: "Patient Safety Forum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patient Safety Forum

2 This is a peer review document subject to the confidentiality requirement of the New Mexico Review Organization Immunity Act, NMSA § (2003). Unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited and subject to fines. This is to protect us legally – Since this is a QI case we can talk about it freely and what we say/share here cannot be used in a court of law.

3 Objectives Perform a system-based root cause analysis
Identify one system-level intervention to offer to leadership

4 Last time on PSF… Check in the the QI group to see if there are any updates on prior cases…

5 ROAD MAP Identify one outcome Costs of this outcome? Perform a root cause analysis in groups Pick one systems issue System-level interventions in groups Prioritize based on effort-yield

6 (Focused case presentation; about 10 minutes)
- Tailor the case to the chosen outcome (this will make data collection/case presentation more effective and efficient) - No need for minutiae just the facts! - Try for less/no bullets or written words = less cognitive overload. - Some of the best cases are narratives (with no data on the PPT slides)

7 The Outcome (Choose one specific outcome to focus on for your RCA)

8 Systems-Based Root Causes?
People Policies Outcome Process Place (Small Group Exercise: 5-6 people per group max - 10 min) Please choose any RCA method e.g. Fishbone Diagram or the The “5 Whys” (on the next slide) For the moment… avoid solutions

9 “5 Why’s” hypoglycemia Alternate RCA model – the 5 whys….

10 RCA Discussion (Large Group Discussion - 5 minutes)

11 Potential Systems-Level Interventions?
(Small Group Exercise: 5-6 people per group max – 10 min) Think about interventions

12 Potential Systems-Level Interventions?
(Large Group Discussion – 5 min)

13 Effort vs Yield? Yield Effort

14 Our Suggested Interventions?
Ideally 1 suggestion for clinical leadership

15 Objectives Perform a system-based root cause analysis
Identify one system-level intervention to offer to leadership

16 References Szostek, Jason H., et al. "A systems approach to morbidity and mortality conference." The American journal of medicine (2010):

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