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QqH;H->rr 肖虹 2009.02.19.

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Presentation on theme: "QqH;H->rr 肖虹 2009.02.19."— Presentation transcript:

1 qqH;H->rr 肖虹

2 content The result of six categories
pi0-gamma discrimination: converted photons (with the method of zhangzhen)

3 divided into six categories
Barrel,endcap R9 :0.9,0.948

4 Six categories R9min=min(RecPho_r9[iselectedpho1],RecPho_r9[iselectedpho2]) Cat_0 two photons in barrel and R9min>0.948 Cat_1 two photons in barrel and 0.9<R9min<0.948 Cat_2 two photons in barrel and R9min<0.9 Cat_3 at least one photon in endcap and R9min>0.948 Cat_4 at least one photon in endcap and 0.9<R9min<0.948 Cat_5 at least one photon in endcap and R9min<0.9

5 Cat_0

6 Cat_1

7 Cat_2

8 Cat_3

9 Cat_4

10 Cat_5


12 Cat0 is the best

13 invariant mass of two photons in Six categories
Select the biggest Significance(considered fluctuation in this part , I will show invariant mass of two photons with the same signal)

14 cat0

15 cat1

16 cat2

17 cat3

18 cat4

19 cat5

20 Number of events VBF rbox rborn Rjet—prompt Rjet-fake jets cat0 3548
31 2 61 14 6 cat1 3590 152 7 165 32 cat2 3531 51 10 40 15 cat3 3546 73 4 223 28 cat4 3520 87 8 168 48 cat5 3574 39 13 54 98 108

21 invariant mass of two photons in Six categories
The same Signal

22 cat0

23 cat1

24 cat2

25 cat3

26 cat4

27 cat5

28 pi0-gamma discrimination: converted photons
Signal(VBF) and jets












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