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Master of Educational Sciences / Master Onderwijswetenschappen

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1 Master of Educational Sciences / Master Onderwijswetenschappen

2 Welcome Today is in English to serve both tracks. INSERT YOU HERE.

3 Overview of the Master

4 Revision New program starting September 2019.
Old Master program was less clearly focused, with three differentiations and a separate international track. New master has two clear tracks, each with specific themes, specific learning goals, specific internships and specific job profiles in mind. It’s the work of the entire staff of the educational research department. * Those wanting to know more about the old program, need to contact the coordinator.

5 The uniqueness of EduSci in Groningen
Strong focus on evidence-based practices, rather than what is popular at the moment. Two specialized tracks, rather than a single generalized program. Focus on research within actual education, rather than restricted to educational psychology. Embedded within the Northern provinces. * Embedded: so little competition in research from other universities; students in the Randstad have to fight to get internships and data for thesis.

6 Final qualifications Knowledge of and insight into educational problems. Methodological skills Academic skills Professional skills

7 Program Designed as full-time master program (60 ECTS in 1 year)
Non-official “Part-time program” also available with 60 ECTS in 1.5 years; instead of three “things” in a period, only two. Educational program on two days: Mondays and Wednesdays. Days: except for exam weeks. Students need to be available for these two days! Only Open University provides more flexibility in when to follow courses, but that’s distance education. Often, we get the question if you can work and study. I’m honest and upfront; even if you take one and a half years, if work, home and study are well-balanced, this is quite doable, but it becomes complicated once work or home goes wrong. Studying is not just the time you have to be here; the rest of the time you need to study at home! This is no different from other programs, even the ones that provide education in the evenings (when do you do your self-study if your evenings are filled with lectures?)

8 Program (2) Two tracks Onderwijsinnovatie (Educational Innovation)
Learning in Interaction Methods and Techniques course 4 track specific content courses 5 ECTS internship, either expandable to 10 ECTS or with 5 ECTS elective. 25 ECTS masterthesis * Two tracks: Most other programs such as Utrecht, Nijmegen or Leiden only have one! 4 track specific courses: most track specific courses in the Netherlands! 25 ECTS masterthesis: largest in the Netherlands, giving the most room to make of your master what you want! We provide a 5 ECTS elective from the other track, but students can request an elective from another master from our examcommittee.

9 Overview (1 yr, starting sept.)
Period 1a Period 1b Period 2a Period 2b Track-specific course 1 Track specific course 2 Track specific course 3 Track specific course 4 Methods & Techniques Internship Internship or elective Thesis Thesis preparation

10 Internship (5 – 10 ECTS) Application of scientific knowledge into the educational practice (and vice versa). Working within educational practices, such as large educational institutions (schools, “o2g2”), government (ministry, NRO), assessment centres (duo, Cito), educational support (SCSOG) or developers/publishers (Boom, Noordhoff). Two internship supervisors maintain contact with the working field and guide students to and through their internships. In case of 10 ECTS internships, another staff member is likely to be involved.

11 Masterthesis (25 ECTS) Write your own thesis in groups of 3 to 5 students, supervised by a staff-member. Organised in themes, matching current research. Work on your thesis throughout the year; no crunching at the end. If the thesis is of sufficient quality, perhaps publish!

12 Forum Once per year (usually May) we organize a small conference.
Students get to present the work they have done thus far (usually the thesis, but might be internship). Staff discusses with the students, providing feedback. Alumni are invited for the day, to discuss and provide advise for after the Master program. Educational organizations are invited, usually those heavily involved in the internship, to see what students are working on.

13 Track Onderwijsinnovatie

14 Description Dutch program (except for 2 courses shared with LiI track)
This track envisions advanced and comprehensive understanding of the implementation and evaluation of educational innovations and their requirements for school organizations. In our view, it is highly relevant to train academics who are able to deal with questions relating to educational innovation at micro, meso and macro levels. The track envisions a balanced attitude among graduates, in which they strive for quality improvement of education, acknowledging the challenges of bridging the gap between educational research and educational practice.

15 Themes from the courses
Bridging the gap between research and practice. Critically assess conditions under which reforms can take place. Dealing with centralized influence and autonomy of institutions. Financing and quality assurance of education.

16 Optimal structures of educational organizations
Leadership in transforming organizations Classroom teaching and professionalization of teachers

17 Admission Bachelordiploma Pedagogical Sciences (RUG or otherwise)
Bachelordiploma Sociology (with educational focus) Premaster SPO. All entries with other diploma’s are at the discretion of the admission board. Entry in both September and February

18 Track Learning in Interaction

19 Description Fully English
Interaction is at the core of learning: We never learn alone, but always in interaction with someone or something. The aim of this master track is to explore the complexity of cognitive and social learning processes. We aim at understanding why certain learning and developmental outcomes do or do not occur and to account for the circumstances in which they do. We want our graduates to have nuanced theoretical understanding and research skills that will allow them to design effective learning environments, and understand and analyze the (differential) effectiveness of learning environments.

20 Themes Student diversity: infinite possibilities in infinite variations. Excellence and learning problems: support meets needs (Peer) interaction and the role of interpersonal representations

21 Instruction, coaching and supervision.
Motivating students. Design of and learning from artefacts: books, games, tools, etc. Self-regulated learning, metacognition and learning strategies. Different forms of assignments and assessments

22 Admission Bachelordiploma Pedagogical Sciences (RUG or otherwise)
Bachelordiploma Psychology (specifically educational Psychology) Premaster SPO. All entries with other diploma’s are at the discretion of the admission board. International students need to apply through the Admission Office. Admission in September and February for Dutch students. International students can only be allowed entry in September. * The international students is not a EduSci rule, this is University policy.

23 Contact:
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