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What you need to know about writing a document based essay

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1 What you need to know about writing a document based essay
The DBQ What you need to know about writing a document based essay

2 Purpose of a DBQ Not to test a student’s prior knowledge, but rather to evaluate their ability to formulate and support an answer from documentary evidence Think like a historian

3 How to answer the question
Use prior knowledge with the information gathered from the documents to formulate an answer to the question You will be given several documents with information related to your essay question.

4 The Documents Documents are chosen for their information and the perspective they convey (POV) Not all documents may be relevant in answering the question (WHAP Yes, APUSH No)

5 The Documents Enclosed in boxes
Usually background information is given

6 The Documents Ex: You are writing an essay on why Ms. Viets is the best teacher at SHS. You are given 8 documents from the viewpoints of students, teachers, and principals. You would use the information in those documents to provide evidence as to why Ms. Viets is the best teacher.

7 Document Analysis You should analyze each document very quickly before writing your essay Use HIPP for written documents Use OPTICS for visual documents

8 HIPP Historical Context Intended Audience Point of View Purpose

9 OPTICS Overview Parts Title Interrelationships Conclusion Source

10 Point of View You will be asked to show understanding of Point of View in your essay You not only must say who’s point of view it is but explain why the author has that point of view. Explain thoroughly

11 Point of View Ex: A document about Ms. Viets being a great teacher or not might be different if it is written by a student who loves chemistry versus a student who hates chemistry. The fact that the student loves chemistry may influence how they feel about Ms. Viets because she teaches chemistry.

12 Rubric (from WHAP) Thesis 1pt Contextualization 1pt
Supports thesis/argument with evidence from the documents 3 docs=1 pt, 6 docs=2 pts Additional outside evidence 1pt.

13 Rubric For at least 3 docs, explain how or why the document’s POV, purpose, historical context/situation, or audience is relevant to an argument about the prompt. (1pt)

14 Rubric Demonstrates a complex understanding of the historical development that is the focus of the prompt in a variety of ways: Similarities and differences Continuity and change Multiple causes, cause and effect Explaining nuance of an issue by analyzing multiple variables

15 Rubric Explaining relevant and insightful connections within and across periods Confirming the validity of an argument by corroborating multiple perspectives across themes Qualifying or modifying an argument by considering diverse or alternative views or evidence. This understanding must be part of the argument, not merely a phrase or reference.

16 Grouping Documents are grouped by what part of your answer they support. This is to help form an argument. Documents can be included in more than one group.

17 Grouping Ex: Thesis, Ms. Viets’ class is the best because she is interactive, fair, and funny. All documents that are about Ms. Viets being funny would be cited in one paragraph.

18 Citing Documents in the Essay
You will use very simple citation in your essay, not anything formal You can simply put the number/letter of the document in parentheses after you discuss it in your essay. Ex: Ms. Viets’ humor is shown in her funny science t-shirts (Doc. 3).

19 The Question

20 Essay Outline Introduction with thesis, maybe contextualization here
Body (use a grouping of documents) (POV, purpose, historical situation, or audience) Body (a different grouping) Conclusion, restate thesis

21 Getting Started Read the question. What is being asked? Do you already have an idea of an answer based on prior knowledge? Read each of the documents thoroughly. HIPP/OPTICS them. How can you answer the essay question with the document?

22 Next Step How can you group the documents?
What can your thesis statement be? In which documents can you discuss POV, purpose, context, audience? What can an additional evidence be?

23 Write Remember your outline. Remember to cite each document.
Remember to discuss POV, purpose, context, or audience of 3 documents. Remember to write about an additional evidence.

24 Editing the DBQ Essay Have another student read your essay.
With red grading pen mark spelling and grammar errors. In pink highlight the thesis statement. In orange, highlight everytime a document is cited. In blue, highlight POV, purpose, context, or audience of a document. In green, highlight where the additional outside evidence is discussed. Put a yellow star beside every paragraph that has grouping of documents.

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