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The Self Leads. The Self Leads The oracle understands that every knight is a leader.

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2 The Self Leads

3 The oracle understands that every knight is a leader.

4 “Strategic planning is worthless -- unless there is first a strategic vision.”
John Naisbitt

5 I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is:

6 A leader lives authentically in every phase of life.
I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is: A leader lives authentically in every phase of life. An effector is all about image and recognition.

7 A leader is aware of himself and his emotional reactions.
I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is: A leader is aware of himself and his emotional reactions. An effector avoids both dealing with and controlling his feelings.

8 A leader is a constant learner in a changing forest.
I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is: A leader is a constant learner in a changing forest. An effector believes that he knows enough and denies his need for change.

9 I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is: A leader learns how to deal with his mistakes and continues to advance. An effector hides, justifies, and excuses his errors.

10 I. The difference between being a person who simply affects others (effector) and a leader who positively influences others is: A leader understands that personal responsibility is a matter of choosing wisely and does so. An effector tries to play it safe and depends on others to make life better for him.

11 II. Leadership requires a “give and take” relationship with those being led. Thus:

12 “Demas has deserted me because he loves the things of this life.”
2 Timothy 4:10

13 B. To help is to get stronger. C. To confront is to be confronted.
II. Leadership requires a “give and take” relationship with those being led. Thus: A. To listen is to learn. B. To help is to get stronger. C. To confront is to be confronted.

14 D. To mentor is to be challenged.
II. Leadership requires a “give and take” relationship with those being led. Thus: D. To mentor is to be challenged. E. To manage others demands more self control and discipline. F. To lead is to be aware and responsive to other’s needs before one’s own needs.

15 (First name/last initial)
III. List several important people in your life that you have chosen to lead rather than just effect. (First name/last initial)

16 You are their dream manager.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: You are their dream manager. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” (John Quincy Adams)

17 B. You act on what you have promised them.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: B. You act on what you have promised them. If three flies were sitting on a windowsill and one decided to fly away, how many flies would be left? The answer is still three, for deciding to fly and actually flying are two different actions.

18 C. You encourage them to try to do their best.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: C. You encourage them to try to do their best. “One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.” (Henry Ford)

19 D. You choose to demonstrate a humble servant spirit.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: D. You choose to demonstrate a humble servant spirit. “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

20 E. You inspire them and help develop their giftedness.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: E. You inspire them and help develop their giftedness. “I believe a leader’s success can be defined as a maximum utilization of the abilities of those under him.” (John C. Maxwell)

21 F. You do not act alone. IV. Ten areas of leadership action:
“People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy after.” (Oliver Goldsmith)

22 G. You motivate them to live better.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: G. You motivate them to live better. “I am only one but still I am one, I cannot do everything, but I still can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” (Everett Hale)

23 H. You will value their feedback.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: H. You will value their feedback. Joel Peterson called feedback “the breakfast of champions.”

24 You continue to personally grow and develop.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: You continue to personally grow and develop. “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” (Max Depree)

25 J. You will represent your principles well.
IV. Ten areas of leadership action: J. You will represent your principles well. “Cowardice asks: Is it safe? Consensus asks: Is it popular? Character asks: Is it right?” (Martin Luther King, Jr.)

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