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Bellringer: 11/9 and 11/10 1. Pick up the papers on the desk by the door. 2. Update your ToC: 52: Notes – Absolutism in England/Civil War 53: English.

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3 Bellringer: 11/9 and 11/10 1. Pick up the papers on the desk by the door. 2. Update your ToC: 52: Notes – Absolutism in England/Civil War 53: English Civil War Packet 54: Study Guide - Absolutism 3. Write down your HW: Finish study guide Study for your Age of Absolutism quest NEXT CLASS (first quest grade of Quarter 2!)

4 Agenda: 11/9 and 11/10 1. Bellringer: Vocab Review
2. Vocab Quiz: Age of Absolutism 3. Notes: Absolutism in England/English Civil War 4. Stations: English Civil War

5 Notes: Absolutism in England and the English Civil War

6 Absolutism in England Absolute monarch: Charles I
People in the English Civil War: Oliver Cromwell, Charles II People After the War William and Mary House of: Stuart

7 The English Civil War: Setting the Stage
Charles hates Parliament. Why does he hate them? He feels Parliament restricts his power (Magna Carta). What does Charles do to Parliament? 1. Fired them 2. Then he needed them back to get $$$$ = re-hirse them

8 The English Civil War: Setting the Stage
Parliament’s Demands: The only way that Parliament would give him money is if he signed the Petition of Right. No false imprisonment No taxes w/o Parliament’s consent No housing of soldiers in homes No martial (absolute) law in peace time Does this work out? NO! Charles signed it – then he IGNORED it. Parliament then withheld money – He fired them again…

9 English Civil War Starts
Why? – because the people were mad at Charles for firing the Parliament (and Parliament was mad too) When? – 1642 – 1649 Roundheads Supported Parliament Leader was Oliver Cromwell Loyalists Supported Charles Called “Cavaliers” VS

10 Results of the English Civil War
Oliver Cromwell’s Roundheads defeated the Cavaliers and imprisoned Charles Charles I put on trial, sentenced him to death – chopped his head off.

11 Changes in Power 1. Oliver Cromwell took over following the civil war
Formed a military state Very strict 2. Charles II in power After Cromwell died, the people wanted to have a king – Charles II (Charles I’s son) took over. He got along better with the Parliament, restoration took place in England.

12 England is in trouble: 1685 Charles II died with NO heir
James II took over (but he was Catholic – the horror!) He soon offended Parliament and voted some Catholic friends into high office (against the law) Parliament protested, so he fired them His wife then had a son and the people were scared that a long line of Catholics would rule.

13 Glorious Revolution HOWEVER, James had an older Protestant daughter (Mary) who married William of Orange. Parliament invited William & Mary to overthrow James II. He brought an army, James II fled the country Why is it “Glorious”? the Glorious Revolution began and ended with no fighting William and Mary begin their reign and develop a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY : There is a monarch in place, however they are limited in their power

14 Stations: English Civil War
1. You will have 2 stations to work through today. The first is a maps and geography station. The second is a station where you will learn more about Oliver Cromwell. 2. Each group will start at one of the 2 stations. You will have minutes there. Then, you will rotate to the remaining station. 3. If you/ your group finishes your 2nd station early, see Ms. Borg or Ms. Allen for your study guide to work on.

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