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Create your own User Story Cube:

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Presentation on theme: "Create your own User Story Cube:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Create your own User Story Cube:
The Cube Create your own User Story Cube: Alternative 1: Print the pages on rigid paper and cut out along the dotted lines Glue the ”ears” togheter, A to A, B to B, ect. Alternative 2: Create a 10 x 10 x 10 cm cardbore with glue and scissors Print the pages and cut out each side individually (without the ”ears”). Glue the sides to the box Alternative 3 (see right): Create a 10 x 10 x 10 cm sized box from 10mm thick foamcore. Cut out 6 pieces; two 10x10cm, two 10x8cm, to 8x8 cm. Glue the pieces together.

2 F The Cube WHO is involved, WHAT do I want to accomplish, WHERE will be done, WHY am I doing this (reasons), WHICH constraints/ requirements do I have? A E Sprint Goal B C D

3 B C Make sure the goal is not out of reach or below standard performance Is the goal reasonable enough to be accomplished? Can you track the progress and measure the outcome? G D Who much, how many, how many, how will I know when my goal is accomplished? H I

4 G H What can I do six weeks from now? What can I do six months from now? A time-bound goal will usually answer these questions: What can I do today? When? Is the goal worthwhile and will it meet your needs? Is the goal fits with your immediate and long term plan? A I F E

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