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Costas VOYIATZIS DG EMPL - Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit

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1 Update of Guidance on ESF monitoring and evaluation and Annual Implementation Reports
Costas VOYIATZIS DG EMPL - Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit ESF Evaluation Partnership meeting, Brussels, 11 May, 2016

2 Update of Annex D – Practical guidance
Annual Implementation Reports

3 I. Update of Annex D – Practical Guidance
4 complements to existing guidance (no change) Lists of fields to be recorded in a computerised form Breakdown by gender for common and programme-specific Counting participants in capacity building Qualification results known after 4 weeks period

4 I.1 Lists of fields to be recorded in a computerised form
Annex III of the Delegated Regulation (EU) No 480/2014 data fields 31-40 Article 125(2)(d) and (e) of the CPR: MA to establish a computerised system to record and store the data on each operation necessary for monitoring, evaluation, financial management, verification and audit, including data on individual participants in operations where applicable Record and store – not report

5 I.1 Lists of fields to be recorded in a computerised form
Where relevant: in case of participants, all common indicators on participants are relevant Targets can be set where relevant to the operation → In case of a target for that indicator in the OP: target at operation level too

6 I.2 Breakdown by gender for common and programme specific
In previous version: requirement only on common Added: if the programme specific indicator refers to gender (e.g. unemployed women with migrant background) → break the data down by gender

7 I.3 Counting participants in capacity building
Typology and 4 examples in guidance upgrading of skills and competences: participants introducing or improving processes (Example 6), organisational or structural changes (Example 7) investment of resources (Example 8) → In the last 3 typically: entities, no participants

8 I.4 Qualification results known after 4 weeks period
The outcome of the exam: after 4 weeks It is recommended to set the indicator “participants gaining a qualification upon leaving” at 0 and then update the participation records once the results are known

9 II. Annual Implementation Reports
What is required? What would be useful in addition to the requirements? What do you need and expect?

10 II.1 What is required? Presentations to and discussions with MS
ESF TWG on 17 February 2016 EGESIF on 25 February 2016 (COM presentations uploaded to Circa) All requirements concerning procedure format and content by type of data AIR template containing Q&A ( )

11 II.1 What is required? Requirements for structured data on physical indicators (Tables 2A, 2B, 2C, 4A and 4B) Validation rules for MA Completeness checks (Table 3 Annex D of the Guidance) Consistency checks (Table 4 in Annex D) Automatic consistency checks at IP and category of region level by SFC (Tables 6, 7, 9 and 10 in Annex D)

12 II.1 What is required? Basic requirement: "all common output and result indicators shall be reported for all IPs". No blank cells. Will be among automatic rules. Provide zeros instead of blank, otherwise not admissible.

13 II.2 What would be useful? Indicators can "relate to values for partially or fully implemented operations" For COM to be able to interpret the data −›Indicate in section 2 or 3.1 of the template which option was used

14 II.2 What do you need or expect?
Unclear requirement? Problems in SFC? Erroneous validation rules -› warn COM

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