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Mason C Leung, PhD, Gabriel Y Ng, PhD, K.K Yip, BSc 

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1 Effect of ultrasound on acute inflammation of transected medial collateral ligaments1 
Mason C Leung, PhD, Gabriel Y Ng, PhD, K.K Yip, BSc  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  Volume 85, Issue 6, Pages (June 2004) DOI: /j.apmr

2 Fig 1 The effects of ultrasound treatment of different intensities and durations on PGE2. Error bar represents the SE. ∗Significant difference between the d1 and d10 groups (P=.009). †Significant difference between the 0W/cm2 and 2.3W/cm2 intensity subgroups in the d10 group (P=.003). Note that ultrasound induced more PGE2, especially in the 2.3W/cm2 intensity groups at postinjury days 2 and 11. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

3 Fig 2 The effects of ultrasound treatment of different intensities and durations on LTB4. Error bar represents the SE. ∗Significant difference between groups. Significant differences were found between the d1 and d10 groups (P=.004) and the d1 and d5 groups (P=.011). The level of LTB4 dropped on postinjury day 11 in all groups. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation  , DOI: ( /j.apmr )

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