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Calculating GWAM & Net WAM Developing Speed And Accuracy

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Presentation on theme: "Calculating GWAM & Net WAM Developing Speed And Accuracy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calculating GWAM & Net WAM Developing Speed And Accuracy
Apply the touch method in operating the keyboard while increasing speed and accuracy. Rvsd Feb. 2018

2 What is a Word? A group of five characters/strokes
Characters/strokes - punctuation marks, numbers, symbols, and spaces) equals one word. How many words are in the line below: How many words are in this sentence? Welc/ome t/okeyb/oardi/ng cl/ass.

3 Gross Words a Minute GWAM
Measures a typist’s speed - Number of words typed in a timed period Calculation - Total number of standard words typed divided by the minutes typed (ignoring errors) Ex: You keyed a total of 105 words in 3 minutes. Divide 105 by 3 and your GWAM is 35 wpm.

4 Net Words per Minute (WPM)
Calculating Net Words per Minute (WPM) Measures a typist’s speed minus errors Example: You typed 120 words in 2 minutes with 20 errors. 120 words – 20 errors = 100 Net 100 Net / 2 minutes = 50 Net WPM is 50!

5 Go to Quia and do the . . . “Speed and Accuracy Calculations Activity”

6 Typing Speed Grading Rubric
(100 if your accuracy was 100%) B = 90 C = 80 D = 70 F = 65 The student types at least 40 GWAM. The student types GWAM. 26 to 34 GWAM. 16 to 25 GWAM. at or below 15 GWAM Advanced Proficient Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory The student shows advanced typing skills: has memorized the keyboard layout and uses correct finger formation and movement The student shows proficient typing skills: has memorized the keyboard layout and uses correct finger formation and movement The student shows satisfactory typing skills. The student shows developing typing skills. The student shows unsatisfactory typing skills.

7 What is Your GWAM? Log-in typing web and take the typing test…
Record your GWAM and Net WPM in your agenda.

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