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The Essential Nature of the Leadership Task

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1 The Essential Nature of the Leadership Task
Contra Costa County Leadership Academy Session #1 - January 3rd, 2019 Eileen Beaudry Welcome Everyone! Congratulations on being selected for this Leadership Academy – 8+ years------refined --for you. By your very being here, your organizations have acknowledged you at leaders. You’re intelligent, committed and lifelong learners. And this Academy is a great opportunity on that journey. So welcome. Thank Cupertino, Donna Henriques our coordinator who does all the support work to make our learning environment as comfortable as possible. GIFT!

2 Leadership Academy - Shared Service

3 Academy Focus Promote leadership aptitudes and skills
as opposed to nuts-and-bolts of supervisory or management skills. Soft skills that bring the hard results. Soft Skills: Self Awareness Motivating Differently Listening First Being Open Trust and Delegate Ask good questions

4 Welcome Everyone! Congratulations on being selected for this Leadership Academy – 8+ years------refined --for you. By your very being here, your organizations have acknowledged you at leaders. You’re intelligent, committed and lifelong learners. And this Academy is a great opportunity on that journey. So welcome. Thank Cupertino, Donna Henriques our coordinator who does all the support work to make our learning environment as comfortable as possible. GIFT!

5 WHY Soft Skills?

6 If your actions inspire others to dream more,
Leadership If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams

7 Academy Basics Be PRESENT at all sessions
Arrive at no later than 8:15 am-prompt start at 8:30 am Make calls at breaks - Phones are off the table & off. Delegate, Trust but Verify Expand your professional network! Come prepared to contribute. Expand your comfort zone! Have fun!

8 Real Learning - Change Soft Skills: Self Awareness
Motivating Differently Listening First Being Open Trust and Delegate Ask good questions

9 Your Leadership Profile
Your key values Why staff would follow you (strengths) Your communication style preferences How make our weaknesses irrelevant Gifts that you give away as a leader Favorite leadership quotes

10 Three Reactors for Today
What resonated with me? All: My Take-Aways...

11 Four Academy Components
Class Presentations Career Journeys/Case Studies Team Projects/Presentations One to One Coaching

12 Agenda for Today Welcome and Background Ice-breaker and Introductions
Context of Local Government and Leadership Competencies Video: Jim Collins Good to Great Guest Speaker: Fran David, Retired CM of Hayward, CA Our Take-Aways for Today Form Project Teams

13 Exercise: Who’s in the Room?
Generations Birth Order Professional Fields Who’s in the room? 1. Count-Off by Group: Plan an Outing that you would all enjoy 2. By birthday month 3. Birth Order: Eldest / Middle Child / Youngest (What is something that you gained from your position in your family that is an asset to your work or leadership style.) 4. Meet Your Peers in Your Work Areas: Public Safety/ Econ Dev/ CMO + Admin + Internal Services Parks/Rec/Arts Planning Building Public Works

14 Which Generation do you Identify With?
Four generations Traditionalists (pre-1945) Boomers ( ) Gen X ( ) Millennials ( ) Discuss and Report Back: What are 2- 3 assets that your group brings to the workplace?

15 Birth Order Find your group!
Eldest Middle Youngest Individual Does your birth order shape your workstyle or leadership style in any way?

16 Professional Fields Find your professional group
Do Speed Networking and Exchange business cards Public Safety Planning, Com + Econ Dev Public Works CMO + Human Resources Finance + IT Recreation NEED LIST OF PROFESSIONAL GROUPS BASED ON ROSTER Department City Manager's Office City Manager's Office Office of the City Manager Community Development – Planning; Community Development Community Development Community Development Department Community Development Public Affairs Visitor Service Unit Office of Communications Police Department - Patrol Division; Police Department Community Services Department Fire Department Airport POLICE Recreation & Community Services Library and Community Services Public Works Public Works Public Works Utilities Engineering Airport Operations and Maintenance Engineering Support Unit Water Quality; Water and Sewer Utilities Department Human Resources City Manager's Office of Employee Relations Finance, Finance Department, Finance Office of Management & Budget,

17 Self-Introductions – 1 minute
Name, Title, Organization 😎 What I’m PASSIONATE about at work 🥰 FUN FACT 🥳 about me ONE THING I want to learn 🙂


19 Leaders Have Contextual Intelligence
1. Internal Challenges 2. Internal Strengths

20 Contextual Intelligence (con’t.)
3. External CHALLENGES 4. External STRENGTHS

21 Internal Context of Local Govt.
1. What are 8-10 key challenges of the internal context of local government? (for example: heavily unionized) 2. What are 8-10 key strengths of the internal context of local government? (for example: very scrutinized)

22 External Context of Local Govt.
3. What are 8-10 key challenges from the external context of local government? (for example: heavily unionized) 4. What are 8-10 key strengths of the external context of local government? (for example: citizen engagement)

23 Key Question In this kind of environment, what do organizational members need from their leaders?

24 The Big Challenges Ahead
What are 2-3 big challenges facing local governments in the next 5 years?

25 The Nature of the Challenges
Technical challenges (“tame”) Solutions are known & can be addressed through management Adaptive challenges (“wicked”) Solutions are unknown, often involve value conflicts, & require leadership at all levels

26 A Changing World Local Governments are facing accelerating & discontinuous change Problems are complex, difficult-to-solve, emotion-laden, & divisive No ONE institution, including government can solve any major problem

27 A Disruptive World (con’t)
Power is diffuse - “Veto” power Citizens have lost confidence in government institutions To confront any major challenge, leaders must Cross Boundaries Experimenting & Learning are key ingredients to Adapting

28 “Are we learning as fast as the world is changing?”
Reflection Question “Are we learning as fast as the world is changing?” Gary Hamel

29 Indispensable Competencies
To effectively address these challenges, what are 2-3 indispensable competencies for leaders at all levels of the organization?

30 The Essence of Leadership
“Leaders do not force people to follow - they invite them on a journey.” Charles Lauer

31 “Why would anyone want to follow me?”
Identify 2-3 reasons that people would want to follow you Identify one trait that would cause people to be reluctant to follow you

32 Jim Collins Video (quiz)
Stanford Business Professor Wrote Good to Great Good to Great in the Social Sector

33 Retired City Manager of Hayward, CA
Fran David

34 Fran David’s Career Journey

35 Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Structural vs. cyclical budget deficits Themes from budget messages Responding to an economic meltdown Indicators of a city’s financial health Your financial IQ

36 Deficits Cyclical Deficits Normal recession
Decrease in sales tax, building permit revenue, property tax Typically you need to take some actions, but you can wait it out, until the econmomy recovers Diagnosing whether it’s cyclical or structural is critical to determining your response Caused by different things, Solutions are different Structural Where there is an ongoing pattern of expenditures exceeding revenues Expenditures are growing faster than revenues and it looks like it’s going to continue that way Three things causing Structural Deficits are: Pensions, Employee Health Care Costs, OPEB which stands for other post employment benefits, principally employee health care Termporary fixes wont work, but they can give you time in the short run to come up with a structural solution

37 Typical Cutback Measures
In the face of economic challenges, what are typical cutback measures used by cities to address deficits? Eileen take visible notes After the list, ask would you use this in a cyclical or structural or both

38 Typical Cutback Measures
Across the board percentage cuts Reductions in travel, training and equipment Deferred maintenance and capital projects Cutbacks in support staff Hiring freeze Layoffs Increased fees Reductions in contract services Borrowing from reserves Protection of “sacred cows” Just point out those that were not mentioned

39 Budget Messages What deficits drive your organization?
What strategies are proposed? Do you agree with the strategies?

40 Responding to Economic Meltdown
An organization needs to get out in front of severe cutbacks and take action NOW Cutbacks at margins will not solve structural challenge Typical cutback measures have negative and sometimes unanticipated consequences

41 Responding to Economic Meltdown (con’t)
As it reduces resources, an organization also needs to target investments Redesigning service delivery requires engaging employees, other departments and outside partners Leaders typically need to cross boundaries to redesign services

42 Organizational Impacts
During a fiscal downturn, what are impacts on org. climate and employee attitudes when downturn is managed poorly or managed well? Experience leave Younger may leave – less di verse workforce

43 The Productivity Paradox

44 Article: Managing thru Meltdown
What paradoxes caught your attention?

45 Indicators of a City’s Financial Health
Long-term Financial Planning Cash Management and Cash Reserves Balanced Budget – including unfunded liabilities Measurement and Accountability - engagement

46 I think I’ve got it by Jove!
Increase Your What makes finance people tick? Connecting finance staff to the real world Connecting operations to finance… How can you increase your financial IQ? I think I’ve got it by Jove!

47 My Take-Aways from Today
What resonated with me?

48 Three Reactors What resonated with me?

49 Team Projects Teams will consist of 6-7 members
Teams will act as consulting group for local government agency facing real-life challenge Teams will interview subject matter experts, review key documents, come to conclusions & provide recommendations to agency leaders

50 Team Projects (con’t) Executive Sponsor for Team Project will serve as a “go-to” resource & provide guidance, information & suggestions Team will make a Dry Run presentation to Academy class & Executive Sponsor Team will make Final Pres. to Public Managers Assoc.

51 Team Projects (con’t) Today We will review the 5 Projects
Participants identify their interest areas and we will form the Project Teams Select unfamiliar topic area

52 Team Projects (con’t) Teams get started
Each team member picks “stretch” role to expand skill set Identify organizations that you assume are involved Identify SME’s Arrange to meet with Executive Sponsor

53 Team Projects (con’t) By February Session
Meet with your Executive Sponsor Develop outline on how you will carry out project (Feb. Session – 35 copies for everyone) Eileen & peers will provide feedback on outline (at end of Feb. session)

54 2019 Team Projects

55 Team Project Outline Bring 35 Copies Next Session:
Topic + Executive Sponsor Deliverable(s) How deliverable will be used by Sponsors Brief methodology Key players/SME’s Key documents

56 Readings/Homework for Feb 7
Crucibles of Leadership, Warren Bennis, HBR Homework Identify “mini-crucible” in your life Meet with Executive Sponsor Develop a outline for team Project

57 Team Project Outline Bring 35 Copies Next Session:
Topic + Executive Sponsor Deliverable(s) How deliverable will be used by Sponsors Brief methodology—how we plan to proceed Key players/SME’s Key documents

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