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Discover EU.

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Presentation on theme: "Discover EU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discover EU

2 Legal State of Play & Political Discussions
2017/2018: Launch of initiative by the European Parliament May 2018: Integrated in proposal of Erasmus October 2018: Proposal Presidency -> Council Keeping the text as it stands now (DiscoverEU as one of the actions of KA1) Reducing the visibility of DiscoverEU in the legal tekst (flexibility)

3 Operational State of Play
First deadlines launched centrally May/June 2018 December 2018 Future: partly managed through Erasmus National Agencies Involvement: Eurodesk Two stakeholder meetings with European networks NA Network Paper

4 NA Network Paper The main concerns shared by the network of Youth NAs are the lacking learning dimension and inclusion elements of this initiative. Additionally, the geographical scope of the initiative should be aligned to the programme. The NAs believe that the name of initiative should reflect the outlook towards the whole of Europe and, if kept, should be renamed to “Discover Europe”. Taking into account the need to strengthen the learning dimension of this initiative a wider supportive approach is required in line with a better arrangement to set learning objectives and later reflect them. Either the volunteering training and education cycle or online tools can offer inspiration. Additionally, networks active in youth field could be included in a variety of formats. Regarding the social inclusion elements, the programme should ensure that young people with fewer opportunities (and with special needs) would be able to benefit from the initiative. Additional support could be offered through other EU funding schemes in co-funding the costs. It remains to be clarified how this initiative would be implemented and run as a partly decentralized action.

5 Discussion Points Involvement NA Network
Proposal of the Presidency to the Council Informal educational activity <-> the non-formal objective of the programme Learning dimension Inclusion Geographical scope Other issues

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