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Jong Sung Park et al. JACEP 2016;2:

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1 Jong Sung Park et al. JACEP 2016;2:367-374
Electrocardiographic Recording of the Onset and Termination of Sustained Slow Pathway Conduction Noncontinuous recording of electrocardiographic lead II illustrating the (A) beginning and (B and C) end of sustained slow pathway conduction. (D) Recording during carotid sinus massage (see text for further explanations). (A) Sudden transition (asterisk) from a short to a long PR interval with prolongation of the sinus cycle. (B) Sudden transition (asterisk) from long to short PR intervals with shortening of the sinus cycle. (C) Early morning tracing showing termination of sustained slow pathway conduction with a single blocked P-wave followed by single conduction over the fast pathway (asterisk) and return of sustained slow pathway conduction. (D) Termination of sustained slow pathway conduction by carotid sinus massage (arrow) followed by transient 3:1 and 2:1 atrioventricular blocks. The numbers above and below the electrocardiographic recordings indicate the duration (in ms) of the PR and PP intervals, respectively. Jong Sung Park et al. JACEP 2016;2: American College of Cardiology Foundation

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