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Our relationship with the Holy Spirit. Use The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee, The Holy Spirit and Regeneration/The Holy Spirit and Man’s Spirit, Part 2, Page 10-17 The Great Commission 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:28  Healings, Helps, Governments, Diversities of Tongues Romans 12:6-8 Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Generosity, Leadership, Mercy Ephesians 4:11 Lists offices to carry out the mission of the church: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers  APPLICATION Jobs in church will be shared. Testimonies and examples will be shared. Bulletin board. Test


4 THE HOLY SPIRIT THE CROSS Fulfilled by Lord Jesus Christ
Applies finished work to the sinner’s heart Accomplishes all Administers to us what it accomplished Grants us position Gives us experience Brings in the fact of God Brings us demonstration of the fact Achieves salvation by which sinners can be saved Reveals to sinners what the cross has created and achieved so that sinners may in fact receive it and be saved



7 THE GREAT COMMISSION 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19 So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20 And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. --Mark 16: 15-20

8 That in no way implies that you should deliberately handle snakes or drink poison. That just means God will protect you if it does happen. There is an example in Bible where Apostle Paul was protected from a deadly snake bite (Acts 28:5). Jesus also made it clear to not tempt the Lord (Luke 4:12) that would include taking chances deliberately and expecting God to protect you.


10 The Tampa Tribune of April 10, 1973 carried a news story about two preachers of a "Holiness" sect in Newport, Tenn., who drank strychnine at a religious service "to test their faith." They died.


Lack of Faith Sin No genuine desire to be healed  Because We Don’t Ask Demonic Oppression  Providence God Has Something Better In Mind Affliction could be due to something unhealthy a person is doing to cause it.

13 Don’t blame God if a person brought something on themselves.

are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:28  Healings, Helps, Governments, Diversities of Tongues Romans 12:6-8 Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Generosity, Leadership, Mercy Ephesians 4:11 Lists offices to carry out the mission of the church: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers

15 Word of Wisdom-- The ability to make decisions and give guidance that is according to God's will. Some Christians see in this gift a prophetic-like function. Others see in the word of wisdom a teaching function. This gift is closely related with the gift of the word of knowledge. The fact that this gift is described as the “word” of wisdom indicates that it is one of the speaking gifts. This gift describes someone who can understand and speak forth biblical truth in such a way as to skillfully apply it to life situations with all discernment. Word of Knowledge-- The ability to have an in-depth understanding of a spiritual issue or situation. Includes instantaneously knowing what to do in a difficult situation and a revelation understanding of a certain scripture.     What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? It's being aware of something, and having information. Knowledge is really about facts and ideas that we acquire through study, research, investigation, observation, or experience. Wisdom is the ability to discern and judge which aspects of that knowledge are true, right, lasting, and applicable to your life. This is another speaking gift that involves understanding truth with an insight that only comes by revelation from God. Those manifesting the gift of knowledge understand the deep things of God and the mysteries of His Word

16 Faith-- Being able to trust God and encourage others to trust God, no matter the circumstances. All believers possess faith in some measure because it is one of the gifts of the Spirit bestowed on all who come to Christ in faith (Galatians 5:22-23). The spiritual gift of faith is exhibited by one with a strong and unshakeable confidence in God, His Word, His promises, and the power of prayer to effect miracles. 

17 Healing-- The miraculous ability to use God's healing power to restore a person who is sick, injured, or suffering. Supernatural enablements given to a believer to minister various kinds of healing and restoration to individuals through the power of the Holy Spirit. Miracles-- Being able to perform signs and wonders that give authenticity to God's Word and the Gospel message. Example: Jesus turning water to wine, Moses striking rock for water.

18 Being able to proclaim a message from God
Being able to proclaim a message from God. The Greek word translated “prophecy” properly means “a speaking forth.” According to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, the word refers to “discourse emanating from divine inspiration and declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden; also includes foretelling future events. To prophesy is to declare the divine will, to interpret the purposes of God, or to make known in any way the truth of God that is designed to influence people.

19 DISCERNMENT The ability to determine whether or not a message, person, or event is truly from God. Essentially the ability to know if a spirit, spiritual gift or a teaching is false and evil or from God.

20 Discerning of Spirits--
Discernment is the ability to obtain sharp perceptions or to judge well In the case of judgment, Discernment can be psychological or moral in nature. Certain individuals possess the unique ability to determine the true message of God from that of the deceiver, Satan, whose methods include purveying deceptive and erroneous doctrine. Jesus said many would come in His name and would deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5), but the gift of discerning spirits is given to the Church to protect it from such as these. Also discerning whether demon spirits are present or a person is possessed. Also discerning of whether angels are present.

21 Speaking in Tongues/ Diversities of Tongues-- The ability to speak in a foreign language that you do not have knowledge of in order to communicate with someone who speaks that language. Also includes utterances from Holy Spirit that should be followed by interpretation. This is apart from our ‘prayer language’ and utterances of praise to God in tongues. This is a gift to the body. Paul also said it should be in order and at most by three different people.(1 Corinthians 14:27) Interpretation of Tongues-- The ability to translate the tongues speaking and communicate it back to others in your own language.

22 Helps/Service-- Always having the desire and ability to help others, to do whatever it takes to get a task accomplished. Also referred to as “ministering,” the Greek word diakonian, from which we get the English “deacon,” means service of any kind, the broad application of practical help to those in need. Generosity-- Gifted givers are those who joyfully share what they have with others, whether it is financial, material, or the giving of personal time and attention. The giver is concerned for the needs of others and seeks opportunities to share goods, money and time with them as needs arise.  Mercy-- Closely linked with the gift of encouragement, the gift of mercy is obvious in those who are compassionate toward others who are in distress, showing sympathy and sensitivity coupled with a desire and the resources to lessen their suffering in a kind and cheerful manner. 

23 Governments-- 2 Samuel 23:3 says, The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, "He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God." Mark 10:42-45 says, “But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister: And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked are beareth rule, the people mourn.”

24 Teaching—The ability to analyze and proclaim the Word of God and the ability to be able to communicate it to one’s students. Exhortation-- Also called encouragement. This gift is evident in those who consistently call upon others to heed and follow God’s truth, which may involve correction or building others up by strengthening weak faith or comforting in trials.  Leadership-- The gifted leader is one who rules, presides over or has the management of other people in the church. The word literally means “guide” and carries with it the idea of one who steers a ship. One with the gift of leadership rules with wisdom and grace and exhibits the fruit of the Spirit in his life as he leads by example. 

Ephesians 4:11 Lists offices to carry out the mission of the church: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers


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