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L-Shaped RST Routing Perform L-RST using node b as the root

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Presentation on theme: "L-Shaped RST Routing Perform L-RST using node b as the root"— Presentation transcript:

1 L-Shaped RST Routing Perform L-RST using node b as the root
First step: build a separable MST Prim with w(i,j) = (D(i,j), −|y(i) − y(j)|, − max{x(i), x(j)}) Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

2 First Iteration Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

3 Separable MST Construction
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

4 Separable MST Construction (cont)
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

5 Constructing a Rooted Tree
Node b is the root node Based on the separable MST (initial wirelength = 32) Bottom-up traversal is performed on this tree during L-RST routing Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

6 Partial L-RST for Node C
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

7 Partial L-RST for Node E
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

8 Partial L-RST for Node G
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

9 Partial L-RST for Node D
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

10 Partial L-RST for Node D (cont)
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

11 Partial L-RST for Node F
best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

12 Partial L-RST for Node F (cont)
best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

13 Processing the Root Node
best case Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

14 Top-down Traversal In order to obtain the final tree upper upper lower
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

15 Final Tree Wirelength reduction
Initial wirelength − total overlap = 32 − 4 = 28 Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

16 Stable Under Rerouting
Steiner points are marked X Wirelength does not reduce after rerouting Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design

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