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Tides and the Moon What are tides? What is an ellipse? Why do we only see the one side of the moon?

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Presentation on theme: "Tides and the Moon What are tides? What is an ellipse? Why do we only see the one side of the moon?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Tides and the Moon What are tides? What is an ellipse? Why do we only see the one side of the moon?

3 What are tides? The rise and fall of ocean water every hours or so are called tides There are two high tides a day, and two low tides a day

4 What are tides? ritish- Columbia/Capital- Regional- District/Vancouver- Island-South- (Jordan-River)/

5 What are tides? Spring Tides – when there is a greater change between high and low tides

6 What are tides? Neap Tides – when there is the least change between high and low tides

7 What are tides? Spring tides happen when the Earth, Moon and Sun are all aligned. In what two phases does this happen?

8 What are tides? Neap tides are when the moon and sun are not working together. The moons gravity causes a little interference making the high and low tides less dramatic

9 What are tides? What two phases of the moon are happening during a neap tide? First and Third Quarter

10 What is an ellipse? An oval All planetary objects and celestial bodies have elliptical orbits

11 Why do we only see one side of the moon?
Because the moon takes 28 days to rotate and 28 days to revlove

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