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Chapter 6 Homework Review

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1 Chapter 6 Homework Review
Sections 3

2 Jesus The founder of Christianity
Considered the son of God by Christians. Believed to be the Messiah, or savior, who died so that all mankind could go to heaven.

3 Peter & Paul Early Christian leaders who helped the early church set a solid foundation for growth. Paul opens the church to anyone who accepts Jesus. Wrote many letters to Christian Communities around the Roman Empire giving them instruction in the faith. Peter was considered the first Pope, providing a Hierarchy or chain of authority in the church (to limit heresy or false teachings).

4 Constantine Roman Emperor who made Christianity legal in 312 A.D. with the Edict of Milan. Ordered all church leaders to come together in 325 to outline the key beliefs of the faith in The Nicene Creed.

5 Apostle One of Jesus’ disciples/students or early followers – the 12 Apostles.

6 bishop Christian leader of a large congregation, usually a city and its surrounding area.

7 pope The “father” or “papa” of the church. The highest office in the Christian Church. Still exists today as the head of the Catholic Church.

8 heresy “False Teachings” - A belief or teaching contrary/against the official teachings of a religion.

9 Diaspora The Jewish “dispersal” by the Romans in 132 A.D.
After a 3 year rebellion which cost 500,000 Jewish lives, the Jews were exiled from the Roman Empire. Connection to Modern Times: This is why so many Jews settles in Eastern Europe and Russia where their descendants would become victims in the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazi leader Hitler.

10 Martyr Someone who dies for their religious beliefs.

11 3. Jesus’ Early Teachings emphasized:
The Golden Rule – love God, your neighbors, yourself, and even your enemies! Forgiveness of sins = eternal life You may have a personal relationship with God.

12 4. The Romans persecuted the early Christians because:
The Christians refused to honor the Roman gods, the emperor as a god. Being a minority “fringe” sect, they were easy to pick on by leaders looking for a scapegoat (Nero blames them for the burning of Rome in 64 A.D.)

13 5. The Nicene Creed… Outlined the important major beliefs of the early Christian Church. This helped to unify the church and prevent fragmentation by heretics (people teaching other beliefs besides the official doctrines).

14 6. Would Christianity have developed the same way outside of the Roman Empire?
NO – it is not likely for several reasons: The Romans had awesome means of communication like their postal system (Paul’s Letters). The Pax Romana (Roman Peace) when people (and ideas) traveled easily throughout the empire. The Mediterranean Sea was like a liquid highway for travel and trade – the Romans controlled the entire coastline. Roman Immorality and persecution of Christians had the effect of attracting more converts. YES? – The message of forgiveness and eternal life may have won many converts but without the hardships plus the advantages of the Empire, it would not have spread worldwide.

15 7. Paul or Constantine? You Pick – but your answer should include specific evidence. Made Christians Legal and Had Power (Constantine) OR Letters & the message? (Paul)

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