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User perceptions on pleasure reading facilities provided by the Main Library of University of Colombo NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select.

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Presentation on theme: "User perceptions on pleasure reading facilities provided by the Main Library of University of Colombo NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select."— Presentation transcript:

1 User perceptions on pleasure reading facilities provided by the Main Library of University of Colombo NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. K. K. N. L. Perera Assistant Librarian, University of Colombo H. M. D. S. D. Somartna Senior Assistant Librarian, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo

2 “Pleasure” ……………….. Pleasure is the effect produced in us by the mind's conscious realization of joyous experiences. The mind is invigorated and enlarged after the experience, and there follows an awareness of personal alertness, and self-poise, and independence” -Temple Scott (1909) -

3 “Pleasure” ………………..

4 “Reading for pleasure”…………..
‘Reading for pleasure’ or ‘recreational reading’ is defined as “Non goal oriented transactions with texts as a way to spend time and for entertainment” -The Reading Agency (2015) -

5 Why undergraduate library users ?
Literature strongly supports the positive outcomes of reading for pleasure, related to both educational and personal development of undergraduates.

6 Objectives To identify the perceptions of pleasure readers on the benefits gained through pleasure reading To identify the perceptions of plasure readrs on current facilities provided by the Main Library of the University of Colombo, for pleasure reading.

7 Methodology

8 Sampling Technique Judgmental Sampling

9 Sample consisted of ….. 209 pleasure readers
Identified over a period of One Month Data collection tool: Questionnaire

10 Findings………………. Demographic characters of the sample
User perceptions on benefits of pleasure reading User perceptions on pleasure reading facilities provided by the Main library User perception on promotion of pleasure reading in a university library

11 Demographic characters of pleasure readers: Faculty
No of participants Percentage (%) Arts 121 57.9 Law 50 23.9 Management 26 12.4 Education 12 5.7 Total 209 100.0

12 Demographic characters of pleasure readers: Gender
No of participants Percentage % Male 34 16.3 Female 175 83.7 Total 209 100

13 Demographic characters of pleasure readers: Year of study
Academic year No of participants Percentage (%) First year 50 23.9 Second year 74 35.4 Third year 79 37.8 Fourth year 6 2.9 Total 209 100

14 Demographic characters of pleasure readers: Ethnicity
Faculty No of participants Percentage (%) Sinhalese 205 98.1 Muslim 4 1.9 Total 209 100

15 User perceptions on benefits of pleasure reading
14 Benefits which undergraduates can gain from of pleasure reading were identified through an extensive literature search

16 Attributes found through literature on the benefits of pleasure reading
Helps to relax Gives a pleasure/ enjoyment Helps to escape from routine work Improves creativity and imagination Make the reader emotional Improves critical thinking ability Helps to know about other cultures

17 Attributes found through literature on the benefits of pleasure reading
8. Positively co-related with overall academic performances 9. Improves communication skills 10. Develops empathy towards others 11. Enhances spiritual life 12. improves second /other language skills 13. Self-Identity 14. Reduces stress A likert - scaled questionnaire was used to measure the user perceptions

18 Gives a pleasure/ enjoyment
Benefit SA A U D SD Total (M*) Mean Helps to relax 118 (56.5%) 83 (39.7%) 6 (2.8%) 2 (1.0%) (0.0%) 209 1.48* Gives a pleasure/ enjoyment 111 (53.1%) 96 (45.9%) Helps to escape 105 (50.2%) 100 (47.8%) 4 (1.9%) 1.52* Improves creativity and imagination 97 (46.4%) 12 (5.7%) 1.58 Make the reader emotional 52 (24.9%) 93 (44.5%) 56 (26.8%) 8 (3.8%) 1.66 Improves critical thinking ability 84 (40.2%) 112 (53.6%) 11 (5.3%) 1.67 Helps to know about other cultures 73 (34.9%) 120 (57.4%) 16 7.7% 1.7 Positively co-related with overall academic performances 81 38.8% 101 48.3% 15 7.2% 10 4.8% 1.0% 1.81 Improves communication skills 64 (30.6%) 122 (58.4%) 1.84 Develops empathy towards others 70 (33.5%) 115 (55.0%) 18 (8.6%) (2.9%) 1.88 Enhances spiritual life 68 (32.9%) 104 23 (11.1%) (5.8%) 1.90 Improves second /other language skills 60 (28.7%) 110 (52.6%) 27 12.9% (4.8%) 1.94 Self-Identity 48 (23.0%) 40 (19.1%) 2.07 Reduces stress 91 (44.0%) 98 (47.3%0 (7.7%) 2.10

19 Three most important benefits out of all fourteen benefits were….
Pleasure reading helps to relax. Pleasure reading gives enjoyment. Pleasure reading helps to escape from routine work.

20 User perceptions on pleasure reading facilities provided by the Main library
Through the questionnaire, perceptions on eight (08) major facilities provided by the Main Library, related to pleasure reading were gathered.

21 Pleasure reading facility
SA A U D SD Total Mean The library environment is suitable for pleasure reading 73 (34.9%) 105 (50.2%) 22 (10.5%) 9 (4.3%) (0.0%) 209 M*=0 1.84* The library staff is helpful in finding pleasure reading materials 48 (23.0%) 114 (54.5%) 37 (17.7%) 8 (3.8%) 2 (1.0%) 2.05* I like the way the pleasure reading materials which are currently arranged in the library 14 (6.8%) 126 (60.9%) 47 (22.7%) 20 (9.7%) 2.35 The library has provided me opportunities to recommend pleasure reading materials which I love to read 23 (11.0%) 100 (47.8%) 61 (29.2%) 2.43 The library has provided me an adequate borrowing period for pleasure reading items 36 (17.2%) 94 (45.0%) 32 (15.3%) 35 (16.7%) 12 (5.7%) 2.49 My library has provided enough number of pleasure reading materials which I enjoy a lot 16 (7.7%) 113 (54.1%) 43 (20.6%) 2.51 from the language that I prefer most 18 (8.6%) 106 (50.7%) In the library, I can easily find the pleasure reading materials which I like to read (7.8%) 92 (44.9%) 59 (28.8%) 38 (18.5%) 2.58

22 Mostly rated statements were…
The library environment is suitable for pleasure reading The library staff is helpful in finding pleasure reading materials

23 Lowest rated statements were….
In the library, I can easily find pleasure reading materials which I like to read My library has provided enough number of pleasure reading materials which I enjoy a lot materials from the language that I prefer most

24 User perceptions on promotion of pleasure reading

25 Conclusions A majority of pleasure readers in the study group were from the Faculty of Arts, and Faculty of Education had the lowest number of pleasure readers. A majority of pleasure readers are females. A diversification of ethnic groups were not identified among pleasure readers. A majority of pleasure readers have a very positive perception on the benefits of pleasure reading

26 The main three types of benefits of pleasure reading which the users have rated more are;
Pleasure reading helps to relax Pleasure reading gives enjoyment Pleasure reading helps to escape from routine work Having a suitable physical environment and a supportive staff were the mostly rated services relevant to pleasure reading, at the Main Library, as perceived by pleasure readers.

27 Easy access to pleasure reading materials, size of the pleasure reading collection and reading materials in preferred language are the lowest rated services related to pleasure reading, in the Main Library, according to the study group. A majority of pleasure readers agree with the statement “promotion of pleasure reading in University libraries should be a priority”.

28 Recommendations This study can be used to justify “promotion of pleasure reading”, despite the ever increasing demand for the curriculum-related materials in academic libraries. The Library can make the undergraduates aware of the benefits of pleasure reading, which in turn will increase the number of pleasure readers. The library environment and staff contribution can be used as factors for attracting more uers for pleasure reading. Pleasure reading collection should be upgraded to attract a diversified group of undergraduates having different language and genre preferences. Visibility and easy access of the pleasure reading collection should be increased.

29 Let’s market our library !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bigger effect Small Change

30 Thank you !

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