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Sorry I’m not with you today, all of your 2D design work from last lesson has now been laser cut, ready for you to paint next lesson Use the internet to.

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Presentation on theme: "Sorry I’m not with you today, all of your 2D design work from last lesson has now been laser cut, ready for you to paint next lesson Use the internet to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sorry I’m not with you today, all of your 2D design work from last lesson has now been laser cut, ready for you to paint next lesson Use the internet to research predictions about the ways in which mobile technology is set to develop in the future… explain in your own words here: Any ideas what crazy device this is? In your life time a phone has transformed from making phone calls, to being an incredibly powerful computer in your pocket… but what is next? Design space- create sketches here of what your phone of the future may look like, remember a ruler for straight lines. Fast forward ten years… What is the future of Mobile Phone technology going to be like? The design? The function? Print off 5 images of concept phones and use to inspire your design

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