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Trauma Informed Practice

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1 Trauma Informed Practice
Johnson County Bench Bar Conference April 3, 2019 Kay McCarthy

2 What we will cover Recognize Understand Learn Identify Care
Care for you and your staff who must deal with client trauma daily Identify Identify ways you can reduce and address the trauma from client intake to appearance in court. Learn Learn how to collaborate with other professionals to improve how your client deals with the current legal situation, and to set them up for success when litigation is complete Understand Understand how the trauma impacts and complicates your client’s interaction with you and the legal system Recognize Recognize the impact trauma (physical, emotional, psychological, violent) has on your client and others involved What we will cover

3 Our Parent’s Response to Trauma
Here's a dime kid...go call someone who cares. Stop crying before I give you something to cry about! You're not made of sugar, you won't melt. You'll live. You brought this on yourself. I suppose you think you are special, Lady Jane. Get up, you’re not hurt Rub some dirt on it

4 What is Trauma Informed Practice?

5 What’s Wrong With You?

6 What is Trauma Event: An event, series of events, or set of circumstances Experienced: By an individual as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening and Effect: That have lasting adverse effects on the individual’s functioning and mental, physical, social, emotional or spiritual well-being

7 Why does it matter to me as the attorney?

8 Impact of Trauma on Case Outcomes
Ability to provide accurate information Ability to relay important details about their case Ability to commit to their story Ability to respond to the other party How clients present themselves in court or deposition Impact of Trauma on Case Outcomes

9 What Can We Do? Understand trauma and the impacts of it
Do not cause more trauma Prepare initially and throughout case

10 Plan Early Physical Space Body Language Explain in Advance
Offer Breaks Self Soothing Note Taking Court Tours Other Support Emotional Needs Safety Planning

11 Challenges to Representation
Avoid Harsh Interactions Difficulty Listening (Both sides) What Happened to You Reacting to their Aggression

12 Watch your interactions for:
Avoid Model Humiliating Harsh Impersonal Disrespectful Critical Demanding Judgmental Kindness Respect Patience Reassurance Acceptance

13 Difficulty Listening and Following Story
Use Active Listening


15 Monitor your reaction to their aggression or hostility

Personal Baggage Race Ethnicity Religion Economics Children KNOW YOUR PERSONAL BIASES

Abuse-physical, emotional, social Neglect-physical or emotional Mental illness Violence Incarceration Substance abuse Divorce

18 Frequency of Child Trauma
2/3 of children reported at least 1 traumatic event by age 16 There are 9.1 victims of child abuse and neglect per 1,000 children Children receiving hospital treatment for assault injuries fills 9 stadiums annually 1 in 4 high school students have been in a physical fight 1 in 6 high school students have experienced cyberbullying

19 Impact of ACEs

20 Establish a good client relationship
Research ACE’s and Trauma Meet with your professional network Know the issues: distrust, disassociation, indifference, avoidance, emotional outbursts Control your own emotions and escalation Establish a good client relationship

21 Determine What Has Occurred
Type of traumatic experiences Duration and frequency Prior interventions Caregivers Safety Trauma triggers Behavior

22 Determine What Is Needed
Need complete history and info Professional referrals needed Developmental assistance Behavioral interventions External placements Court involvement

23 Develop a professional network
Therapist for children Therapist for families Co-Parent therapist Substance abuse evaluation Psychological evaluation

24 Impact on You and Your Staff
Burnout Frustration and Anger Vicarious Trauma

25 What Can You Do? Regular staff meetings Take suggestions Use new ideas
Show gratitude Therapy Professional associations Resiliency groups Turn off the phone

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