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Open notes to page 14 I will be stamping the diagram for those who finished the diagram for homework Number the blank side of the diagram at your seat.

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Presentation on theme: "Open notes to page 14 I will be stamping the diagram for those who finished the diagram for homework Number the blank side of the diagram at your seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open notes to page 14 I will be stamping the diagram for those who finished the diagram for homework Number the blank side of the diagram at your seat page 17 and the diagram of the eye page 18 You will need a piece of paper for page 19 notes


3 New notes Notes for chapter 14 and 15
Page 17 (blank page of the eye diagram) EQ: what is the structure and function of the ANS?

4 Autonomic Nervous System: ANS Chapter 14
Part of the motor division Also called the involuntary nervous system We have no control over these nerves The ANS has two divisions: sympathetic Controls responses usually involving stress Parasympathetic Maintains normal body conditions

5 EQ: How do the Senses work?
Chapter 15 EQ: How do the Senses work?

6 Human senses Five major senses Touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing

7 New page of notes: page 19 EQ: what is the structure & function of the eye
Vision: Structure of the Eyeball A slightly irregular hollow sphere Composed of three layers called tunics The internal cavity is filled with fluids called humors The lens separates the internal cavity into anterior and posterior segments

8 Outer eye structure: the outermost layer of the eye is composed of the: Opaque sclera (posteriorly)-white of the eye Clear cornea (anteriorly) The sclera protects the eye and anchors extrinsic muscles The cornea lets light enter the eye

9 Iris The colored part of the eye Pupil – central opening of the iris
Regulates the amount of light entering the eye during: Close vision and bright light – pupils constrict Distant vision and dim light – pupils dilate Changes in emotional state – pupils dilate when the subject matter is appealing or requires problem-solving skills

10 Retina A delicate two-layered membrane
Pigmented layer – the outer layer that absorbs light and prevents its scattering Neural layer, which contains: Photoreceptors 2/1/18 Page 37

11 The Retina: Photoreceptors
Rods: Respond to dim light Are used for peripheral vision See in grey-scale only Cones: Respond to bright light Have high-acuity color vision

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