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The Earth´s Atmosphere Authors: Nicolás Schweditsch & Izan Díaz.

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Presentation on theme: "The Earth´s Atmosphere Authors: Nicolás Schweditsch & Izan Díaz."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Earth´s Atmosphere Authors: Nicolás Schweditsch & Izan Díaz

2 The atmosphere The Atmosphere is the layer of air that surrounds Earth. It´s a mixture of gases. Atmosphere acts as a blanket to our earth. It reaches over 560 (FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY) km. from the surface of the earth.

3 The atmosphere: FUNCTIONS
It absorbs the energy from the sun. It recycles water. It protects us from the radiations and meteorits.

4 The Layers of Atmosphere

5 EXOSPHERE. It protects us from meteorites

6 TERMOSPHERE. It´s were the aurora borealis happens

7 MESOSPHERE: It is the coldest layer
MESOSPHERE: It is the coldest layer. Here you can see meterorits and shooting stars.

8 STRATOSPHERE. This is the layer of the ozone
STRATOSPHERE. This is the layer of the ozone. It protects us from the sun´s bad rays. POLLUTION OZONE HOLE…. WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!! causes

9 TROPOSPHERE: It is where the weather happens.
birds Plane TROPOSPHERE: It is where the weather happens. The clouds are in this layer. It contains oxygen and water vapour.

10 The END Thank you for your Attention!
Authors: Nicolás Schweditsch & Izan Díaz

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