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Funding Proposal for R5 Conference & Best Robotics

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1 Funding Proposal for R5 Conference & Best Robotics
Phase I Proposal Fall 2016 / Spring 2017 Texas State IEEE Student Chapter Dr. Lawrence Larson:

2 Branch information IEEE Student Branch Officers:
Location: Weekly Meetings: Wed. 6:30pm Roy F. Mitte Room 5246 601 University Dr, San Marcos TX, 78666 IEEE Best Large Student Organization of Region 5 Officers: Co-Chair: David Johnson Co-Chair: Jedidiah Harrah Treasurer: Caden Sanders -- IEEE-CS Cody Blakeney Officers Term: May 2016 – May 2017

3 Previous utilization of CTS funding
Funding Received from CTS for year $ R5 Conference* $ Best Robotics $ Social Events $ Marketing Materials $-80.00 Autonomous Vehicle Remaining CTS Funding $720.00 The entirety of the travel expenses for the R5 Conference was sponsored by Texas State University * Amount indicated was used solely for materials. Travel expenses were covered by Texas State.

4 Past Events R5 Conference Best Robotics Social Events
Robotics Competition used $465 for materials Best Robotics Best Competition Volunteering Social Events General Meetings Smash Bros. Video Game Nights Workshops Marketing Material Flyers Honor’s College

5 R5 Conference Funding will help support the Texas State IEEE Student Branch in competing in the R5 Conference with the hopes of sending students to compete in each competition offered The R5 conference has proven to be an invaluable experience for the chapter. Additionally, it has provided our members with the opportunity to network with other participating schools and IEEE members Amount Requested: $600.00

6 Best Robotics Volunteering for Best Robotics allows for Student Branch members to give back to the community by helping Middle school and High school students gain experience in engineering This event also allows for Members of the Student Branch to reach out to possible incoming engineering students and share the benefits of IEEE membership Funding will allow for food and travel expenses to be paid for volunteers. Amount Requested: $50.00

7 Social Events Bobcat Build is an opportunity for members of the student branch to give back to the San Marcos community. Smash Bros. / Game night will give a chance for student branch members to get to know each other through getting together to relax and have fun with fellow members. Social events have brought about a sense of pride and camaraderie within the organization to not only inspire participation in the IEEE but also to encourage growth in the Student Branch. Amount Requested: $250.00

8 Workshops Workshops are held bi-Monthly in conjunction with meetings to allow students to gain hands on experience (Digital Clocks, Robotics, Sound Oscillator, LED Cube, Security Testing Device, etc.) and tutoring in a fun, relaxed environment. These projects will be funded from rollover funds from the previous academic term. Amount Requested: $0.00

9 Marketing Material Flyers around campus stating meeting times and contact information to allow students to reach the officers. Advertising to promote the student branch and IEEE membership to those that may not know about the organization on campus T-Shirts will be provided to IEEE members for participation in the organization Graduation Stoles will be given to IEEE graduates who show commitment and participation in the Student Branch. Amount Requested: $100.00

10 Requested CTS funding Use of 2016-2017 CTS Funding $1000 R5 Conference
$600 Best Robotics $50 Social Events $250 Marketing Materials $100

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