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Do you Believe NOW? Are you ALL IN? Will YOU make it happen?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you Believe NOW? Are you ALL IN? Will YOU make it happen?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you Believe NOW? Are you ALL IN? Will YOU make it happen?
BEFORE: $1000/month spend of average family = 20 to 85 IBV or $0 with Jet and others. NOW: $1000 = $100 or 3 months = 300IBV-400IBV SAMM qualification. This also covers the 10/20/30 IBV MPCP requirements on auto-ship and even offer bundles to make it simple. There no longer is any reason for MA branded BV products being used as IBV for the and it is being discontinued. No more hassles. There is a 100 cap on the SA products used for IBV, but NO cap om Super IBV products (not for retail) You can use all SA brand products (no limit) to add qualify for the 500 BV SAMM Requirement making it easy to do! One still must do their activity requirements of selling through 200BV per quarter and the Accrual Option of 50,100,150 with regular MA exclusive brands that are retailed SOON: IC2019 $1000 = 200 IBV = 600 BV./QTR. Next year 750IBV SAMM requirement for same spend= IBV checks. NEXT: 2020 Goal: $1000 = 300 IBV = 900 IBV SAMM Average = BV + IBV Checks for most UFO’S By getting every one on team ordering the new SA-IBV (45%) and Super IBV products(20-40%) with Rastelli food (23%) eating at Restaurant’s you already use at discount (27%), & New Travel program (immediate 20% IBV) we show easily 500 IBV with 300 IBV being a “no-brainer” All free shipping, Auto Ship (IBV credited immediate). Remember the field voted these products in and everyone buys them anyway somewhere for more $with no IBV. Get them to convert that spending into earning. If you & your team order this month EC.’s will earn checks because it is easy to have 4 UFO’s at 300 IBV do 1200IBV (earn $150) and for leaders with 25 Active UFO’s will earn $1500. It takes 17 UFO’s doing 300IBV to at cycle 5000 IBV per leg. 66 UFO’s doing this will result in cycling 5000IBV weekly. Most Nationals and above would earn weekly on that $1500 Do you Believe NOW? Are you ALL IN? Will YOU make it happen? Chickens, Ducks or Geese? The Shopping Annuity has been redesigned and rebooted to be easier and more profitable. MORE IBV for the $ NOW! To earn checks. SA driven and based on IBV not spending $. SA and Super IBV products Spike IBV. Matching Galore. PLAN & GOAL IBV plan for SA will become like the BV plan. MPCP: Earn 2 checks per BDC weekly: 1st for Team Retailing (BV) & (SAMM 500+BV) 2nd for Team Shopping (IBV) + PC Shopping At MAWC2019 you saw the new SA, SAM and IBV products and Marc Ashley showed the deals, price savings, & higher IBV of over 20 product offers (SA IBV, Super IBV, Food, Restaurants, Travel, & SHOP.COM best deals showing 500 IBV/qtr. for $1000/mo. + several example combined orders 300 to 600 IBV of items on which YOU definitely spend $3000 in 3 months ($1000/mo.) Make sure you & your team knows this and order to spike the IBV and hit IBV checks immediately or fast. WE WANT TO MAKE SURE EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THIS & SPREADS THE WORD. We are now matching products to your assessment profile & list. We find them for you. It is EASY. Check it out! Digital aggregation and interactive polling to customize your shopping annuity + match product to people so you don’t have to find them. This gives us (for YOU) leverage to get lower prices, higher IBV, & free shipping! We now are working from the product end instead of searching where it used to render products that did not work in search because of price, low IBV or shipping and providing product choices that do work. This changes everything. Search has been changed using algorithms to only offer products that work for SA with shipping, lowest cost +IBV) . The products have been reduced to the 5000 best choices. Digital aggregation and interactive polling to bring you & your team the products YOU use and need the most & already buy as SA products or Super IBV to leverage better price, higher IBV or BV, and best or free shipping. We will add products every month from poll results. Make sure everyone votes. You + your team are the people power that give us collective buying power to force prices down and IBV up as was shown at WC2019. This has already happened and live! Let’s keep it rolling! MORE! You & your team polling = more! The Shopping Annuity will become automatic, simple and fun and drive the IBV plan naturally. The items you need and the most UFI’s need will be put in front of you at a lower price and higher IBV. UFO organization determines what to add through polling. It becomes a no brainer where any UFO would be stupid not to do it. In the future you will be able to click and get everything in the assessment for less!

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