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SHSG Year 9 Options 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "SHSG Year 9 Options 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 SHSG Year 9 Options 2019

2 Ms A Leman – Assistant Head i/c of KS4 Mrs D Butt – Deputy Head i/c Options/Timetabling Mr C Peugniez– Learning Manager Year 9 Miss H Riebold – Assistant Head i/c of Sixth Form Mrs L Braby – Careers Advisor

3 Timeline Options and making choices Changes to the GCSE School support Post 16 and 18 considerations Parental support

4 Timeline November – Options process and talks
1st February – TA2 available to parents 6th February – Year 9 Careers Day 12th February – Parents’ evening 1st March – Deadline for options forms

5 Compulsory Subjects English Language English Literature Mathematics
Triple Science ( 3x GCSE) although some may take Double Science (2x GCSE) At least one MFL: French or German or Spanish Non examined lessons: RS, PSHCEE and PE In addition: At least one Humanity subject (History, Geography or Religious Studies)

6 Optional subjects Choose which language Choose which humanity subject
Choose two other subjects: Art Media Studies Business Studies Music Drama Physical Education Geography Religious Studies German Spanish  History Food Preparation and Nutrition Computer Science Product Design/ Fashion and Textiles/ Graphic Products Economics Two languages Extension Science Two humanities Two or three creative subjects

7 Additional opportunities
Advanced Level Free Standing Mathematics Latin Arts Award

8 Options form

9 Changes to GCSE Final examinations take place in the summer term of Year 11 The following subjects have controlled assessment aspects: Music, Physical Education, Media, Art, Computer Science, Drama, Food preparation and Nutrition, Textiles, Product and Graphic Design. GCSEs will be graded 1 to 9, with 9 being the top grade. Pass grade: 4 (weak C) and 5 (strong C)

10 School Support Subject teachers Form tutors
Mr Peugniez – Learning Manager, Year 9 Ms Leman – Assistant Head i/c of KS4 Mrs Braby – Careers Advisor

11 Parental Support Provide a quiet place and the equipment they need
Encourage a good routine Sign and check the student planner Log on to our website Contact us if you need any further advice or assistance Keep everything calm, talk often and offer support Do your best to ensure that they attend school every day

12 Transition to A level Students must achieve a minimum grade 5 in English and Maths GCSE. Currently, 50 points from best 8 GCSE subjects (Grade 9 = 9 points). A level subjects have subject and minimum grade requirements – for example, Music A level requires Grade 6 in GCSE Music. Details available on page 8 of the Sixth Form Prospectus on the school website

13 Post-18 Transition University Higher or Degree Level Apprenticeship
Degree choice. Medicine / Veterinary Medicine / Dentistry – usual to require minimum grade 6 in at least 5 GCSEs. Some require grade 8/9. Oxbridge Generally more concerned with high grades and academic capability than specific subjects at GCSE. Higher or Degree Level Apprenticeship Similar entry requirements to degree qualifications. Employment Professions are likely to start from higher/degree level apprenticeships.

14 What impact might attendance have?
Research suggests that 17 missed school days a year = GCSE grade DROP in achievement. The greater the attendance the greater the achievement.

15 Ways for parents to encourage attendance
Look regularly at your child's absences and check this matches with your own record. Talk regularly with your child about school and how they feel about it. More likely to attend if they feel supported and anxieties listened to. Phone us as soon as possible to tell us why your child is absent, and when you expect them to return. Putting the school number in your phone can save you time.

16 Ways for parents to encourage attendance
4. Only grant days at home for genuine illness. 5. Avoid taking holidays in school time. These will not be authorised. 6. Be particularly watchful and supportive in the run up to tests and aware of controlled assessment dates.

17 Questions?

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