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Presentation on theme: "The NEW ENGLAND COLONIES"— Presentation transcript:

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2 New England What were the New England colonies? Massachusetts
Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire

3 New England Who started the New England Colonies? Puritans:
John Winthrop (MA) Thomas Hooker (CN) Roger Williams (RI)

4 New England Why did people come to New England?
Puritans were reformers Being persecuted Strong religious beliefs Wanted to form a society based on their religious beliefs. CN – to limit government power RI – for religious tolerance

5 New England What was life like in New England? Government:
MA: had a legislature called the General Court CN: first constitution to limit government power Town meetings to make everyday decisions.

6 New England What was life like in the New England Colonies?
Economy: Based on the environment. Bad soil for farming Used trees: Shipbuilding and whaling became America’s first industries. Port cities like Boston grew around these businesses.

7 New England What was life like in the New England Colonies? Religion:
Strict religious rules Respected the Sabbath Did not like people that disagreed with them Roger Williams: ordered to leave Massachusetts Anne Hutchinson: woman who spoke out against Puritans and their teachings was forced to move to Rhode Island.

8 New England Importance?
Why were the New England Colonies important? Religion and reform: both would always be important. Will lead people to try and fix things in America (like slavery) Environment was bad for farming so slavery never grew. Industries and cities grew = population growth! This economy and population made the North powerful


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