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Robin Smith, INC Vice Chair

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1 Robin Smith, INC Vice Chair
Industry Numbering Committee (INC) Report to the NANC February 22, 2008 Adam Newman, INC Chair Robin Smith, INC Vice Chair INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

2 Details on all future meetings can be found at:
INC Meetings INC Meetings: December 10-13, 2007, Napa, CA February 4-8, 2008, Miami, FL Next INC Meeting: April 28 – May 1, 2008, Miami, FL Details on all future meetings can be found at: INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

3 NPA Subcommittee Issue 559 – Revise NPA Code Relief Planning Guidelines to Address Customer Complaints Due to issues experienced as a result of geographic NPA splits, INC is crafting language to address potential issues that can occur with NPA relief implementations. This task is being undertaken to document the more complex issues, and their impacts to consumers, arising when implementing a split in an LNP environment, coupled with new features/services and next generation networks. This language may provide guidance to Service Providers (SPs) in troubleshooting common customer issues with regard to relief activities. INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

4 CO/NXX Subcommittee Issue 570: Update the INC Guidelines As Needed Per FCC , Declaratory Ruling and Order on Remand on Number Portability Issue 570 was accepted to determine if FCC Order , released November 8, 2007, requires any updates to INC guidelines. The Order makes definition and rule changes in 47 CFR Section 52. INC Guidelines address an SP’s ability to obtain numbering resources from the NANPA or the PA, and the existing definition of Service Provider [47 CFR Section 52.5(i)] already covers any entity, including interconnected VoIP Providers, given authority to obtain numbering resources from the NANPA or the PA. FCC Order made no changes to 47 CFR Section 52.5(i). INC determined that no updates were required to INC Guidelines. INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

5 CO/NXX Subcommittee Issue 534: The Development of p-ANI Guidelines
In March 2007, INC finalized the p-ANI Guidelines for the RNA. In April 2007, the NANC reviewed, approved, and transmitted the p-ANI Guidelines to the FCC and requested clarification of a few items. In June 2007, the FCC sent a letter to the NANC Chair agreeing to incorporate the p-ANI Guidelines into the new PA contract with certain clarifications, and gave an example of one such clarification. In August 2007, the FCC awarded the new contract stating that the PA shall serve as the interim RNA until such time as “…a permanent p-ANI solution is in place.” To date, the PA has not been advised by the FCC that a permanent p-ANI solution is in place, therefore the p-ANI Guidelines and RNA function have not been implemented. INC cannot resolve this Issue until the FCC advises that a permanent p-ANI solution is in place with any further clarifications, the p-ANI Guidelines are published, and the permanent RNA function is implemented. Until the permanent RNA function is implemented, wireless SPs continue to use geographic TNs for E911/p-ANI purposes. INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

6 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Internet-Based Relay Services and Interoperability
The INC Issue is in response to a NANC Action Item: “to take the lead in developing a technical response/recommendation regarding the VRS [Video Relay Service] interoperability issue raised during the NANC meeting.” The NANC transcript defined the matter as follows: “In order for VRS to be functionally equivalent to voice telephone services, deaf and hard of hearing individuals, using video broadband communications, need uniform and static end-point numbers linked to the NANP that will remain consistent across all VRS providers, so that they can contact one another and be contacted to the same extent that PSTN and VoIP users are able to identify and call one another. . . [and] support dialing uniformity for VRS and point-to-point video users.” INC’s Numbering for Internet-Based Relay Services Report makes recommendations on both Number Acquisition and a Central Database. Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008 Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

7 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Report Recommendations
To meet the outlined goals, INC recommends that: Relay Users be assigned geographic NANP numbers, reflecting user location if desired, which will route to the relay provider of their choice when dialed by a hearing caller Relay Users obtain numbers through relay service providers. Additionally, Relay Users should be able to obtain NANP numbers directly from a voice service provider or utilize an existing number, if desired. relay providers obtain numbering resources either from voice service providers or, if they choose, by qualifying to obtain resources from NANPA or the PA under existing guidelines. a central database managed by a neutral third party can be deployed to support interoperability between relay providers. INC examined several alternatives suggested by INC members for how this may be accomplished. Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008 Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

8 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Report Recommendations
Number Acquisition Relay Users should be assigned a geographic NANP number, reflecting user location if desired, as is available today to hearing users. This number will be routed by the voice service provider to the relay service provider chosen by the Relay User. Such numbers should be portable as requested by the Relay User. Relay Users should be able to obtain numbers through their relay provider. It is expected that relay providers, through commercial agreements, would be able to obtain local numbers. In cases where this is not possible, for example in rural areas served by a single provider, the approach of purchasing local service and using forwarding techniques could be employed. Additionally, Relay Users should be able to obtain NANP numbers directly from a voice service provider or utilize an existing number, if desired. Relay providers can obtain numbering resources directly if they are willing to meet obligations under the current guidelines. It is also possible that such guidelines will be relaxed in the future, but INC does not recommend changing guidelines specifically to support relay services. Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008 Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

9 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Report Recommendations
Central Database A central database, managed by a neutral third party, should be deployed to support interoperability between relay providers. Two alternatives examined by the INC are detailed in this report. Both approaches rely on the VRS User’s Equipment updating a relay provider when the equipment’s IP address changes. The central database associates the VRS User’s telephone number with either: a URI identifying the relay provider that holds the current IP address (NPAC); or the current IP address as updated by the relay provider (DNS). The database thus either makes the IP address directly available to other providers as needed to complete calls or indicates through which relay provider the call must be routed to complete. Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008 Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

10 INC VoIP Subcommittee Issue 510: Report Development
The collective membership of the INC, including subject matter experts from the VRS Industry, reviewed and discussed over 100 contributions, and invested over 3,300 member/staff hours assembling and editing the Numbering for Internet-Based Relay Services Report. The VoIP subcommittee held 37 Interim meetings (via teleconference) in addition to the 12 face-to-face INC meetings. Meet demand - Grow Edge Architecture I 4E Now EOY EOY 3,324,840 DS0’s Direct connect 1,865,30D DS0’s to EO’s 554,534 DS0 to tandems INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008 Term Switch/Edge Vehicles AT&T Now - 2 EOY EOY (+ TCG Switches ) TCG Now Data as of 8/31/98 11 Switches + 52 TCG 63 ~ 680 Terabytes traverse the voice network daily

11 Issues Remaining in Initial Pending
Issue 407: Treatment of Dedicated Codes for Single Customers in a Pooling Environment Issue 519: Pool Replenishment Issue 534: Development of p-ANI Guidelines INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

12 Issues in Final Closure
Issue 515: Contamination Level of Abandoned Thousands Blocks Issue 528: Testing and Code Opening Guidelines for NPA-NXX-X Blocks Issue 532: Kinsale Mobile, Inc. Application for ERC Issue 535: Block Contamination Information for Block Returns Issue 537: Validate the use of Rate Center vs. Rate Area in INC Guidelines Issue 539: Clarification to Section [of the TBPAG] Regarding Block Assignments Created/Activated in the NPAC Issue 541: Assigned and then Ported Numbers from Thousands Blocks Donated to the Pool Issue 543: Revised COCAG Appendix C and TBPAG for PA Reallocate Abandoned/Returned Pooled Codes Issue 546: Modification of requirements for request of an ERC Issue 547: Revise NPA Relief Planning Guidelines for Revised Timeframes and General Updates INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

13 Issues in Final Closure (cont)
Issue 548: PCS N00 Relief Clarifications Issue 550: Modifications to NPA Allocation Plan Section 13 (to mirror changes made in section 12) Issue 551: Clarify order of zapping records in NPA – NXX Exchange Section of COCAG Issue 552: Pooled Code Allocation when Jeopardy is Declared Issue 553: Update the PAR document to include Administrative Functions Issue 554: Amendment to Section 6.5 of the 900 NXX Code Assignment Guidelines Issue 558: Change to timing for INC Guideline Updates Issue 562: Block Reservations Issue 563: Update PA Change Order Timeline Issue 564: Update Pooling Milestones Table 1 Issue 565: CO Code records in NPA Splits Issue 566: Changes to PAR – Election Nomination Process INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

14 Issues in Initial Closure
Issue 557: Edit Section 4.1 of COCAG Appendix C-Voluntary Return of Pooled NXX Codes Containing Assigned Blocks/Ported Numbers Issue 560: Miscellaneous Edits to NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines Issue 567: Changes to Footnote #9 (Section 3.1) in the CIC Assignment Guidelines Issue 569: LRN Data for NANPA & PA To Process Voluntary Code Returns or Abandoned Codes Issue 570: Update the INC Guidelines as needed as a result of FCC Order, Declaratory Ruling and Order on Remand related to Number Portability Issue 571: INC Form Changes to synchronize with the release of the new PAS Issue 573: Handling Block Transfers When Blocks Are in Reclamation Issue 574: Update the pooling milestones to include supplemental pooling INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

15 Relevant INC Web Pages INC Homepage (front page to all INC links): INC Calendar (future meeting logistics/agendas): INC Issues (historical and active): INC Meeting Records: INC Published Documents: INC Report to the NANC 02/22/2008

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