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Workplace Violence Rich Lobdell 4/8/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Violence Rich Lobdell 4/8/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Violence Rich Lobdell 4/8/2019

2 Introduction What is Workplace Violence?
Workplace violence is any act or action either physical or verbal that endangers or harms an employee or results in an employee having a reasonable belief that they are in danger. 4/8/2019

3 4 Types of Workplace Violence
Type 1: Violent acts perpetrated by criminals with no connection to the workplace other than to commit robbery or other crime including terrorist acts. Type 2: Violence directed at an employee by a customer for any reason. 4/8/2019

4 4 Types of Workplace Violence
Type 3: Violence directed at a coworker by a past or present employee. Type 4: Violence in the workplace committed by a person who does not work there but has a relationship to an employee. 4/8/2019

5 Type 1 Motive is usually robbery
Vast majority of workplace homicides (nearly 80%) Mostly high vulnerability job groups (taxi drivers, late night convenience store clerks, etc.) Prevention through physical security 4/8/2019

6 Type 2 Occurs during the performance of normal duties
Usually triggered by argument over service Nurses, EMS, police and correctional officers are the most frequent victims 4/8/2019

7 Type 3 More highly publicized
More predictable due to interpersonal history 4/8/2019

8 Type 4 Also highly publicized Interpersonal history
Usually perpetrated by domestic abusers 4/8/2019

9 Workplace Violence 84% of workplace homicides are perpetrated by strangers 7% by coworkers or former coworkers 4% by customers 3% by husbands or boyfriends 2% by other relatives or acquaintances 4/8/2019

10 Workplace Violence Mitigation through physical security
Employee training Employee awareness Employee “buy in” 4/8/2019

11 What is a Threat? Any verbal or physical conduct that threatens property or physical safety or that could be interpreted as an intent to cause harm Threats can be subjective 4/8/2019

12 The Golden Rule Do unto others
We must all be responsible for a reasonable regard for the feelings of coworkers and customers alike 4/8/2019

13 Behaviors that may indicate risk factor in current employees
Drug or alcohol abuse Conflict with coworkers Increasing belligerence Ominous, specific threats Hypersensitivity to criticism Recent fascination with or acquisition of weapons 4/8/2019

14 Behaviors continued Apparent obsession with a supervisor or coworker or employee grievance Preoccupation with violent themes Interest in recently publicized violent events Outbursts of anger 4/8/2019

15 Behaviors continued Extreme disorganization
Noticeable changes in behavior Homicidal or suicidal comments or threats 4/8/2019

16 Victims Usually the victim of domestic abuse
Sometimes the victim is punished Most likely to confide in coworker 4/8/2019

17 Behaviors of victims Tardiness or unexplained absences
Frequent and unplanned use of leave time Anxiety Lack of Concentration Change in job performance 4/8/2019

18 Behaviors continued A tendency to remain isolated from coworkers or reluctance to participate in social events Discomfort when communicating with others Disruptive or phone calls Sudden or unexplained requests to be moved from public locations in the workplace, such as the reception area 4/8/2019

19 Behaviors continued Frequent financial problems indicating lack of access to money Unexplained bruises or injuries Noticeable change in use of makeup (to cover up injuries) Inappropriate clothes (sunglasses worn inside or turtlenecks in summer) 4/8/2019

20 Behaviors continued Disruptive visits from current or former partner
Sudden changes in address or reluctance to divulge where she is staying Acting uncharacteristically moody, depressed or distracted 4/8/2019

21 Behaviors continued In the process of ending an intimate relationship; breakup seems to cause undue anxiety Court appearances Being the victim of vandalism or threats 4/8/2019

22 Employee Responsibility
Be aware Reasonable regard Report to supervisor any acts of violence (this includes sexual harassment) Be proactive 4/8/2019

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