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Topic A: The use of stream/ground water for irrigation

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2 Topic A: The use of stream/ground water for irrigation

3 Typical Centre-pivot pasture irrigator

4 Centre-pivot irrigation in South Taranaki during the ‘drought’ of 2003

5 The problem facing non-irrigated land.

6 Surface water removal becomes significant when it has a negative effect on stream health due to:
Lower water levels/decreased dilution of existing contaminants Higher stream temperatures See resource showing surface-water use throughout NZ - Environmental considerations

7 Pasture irrigation in Taranaki
The move to irrigation has been concentrated in the sandy, coastal areas and the south of the region. In many areas it is not justified based on the cost and the usually reliable Taranaki rainfall Less capacity for the dilution and assimilation of wastes and effulent Removal close to where the river/stream flows into the sea generally has less impact than when it is removed higher up the catchment. Note the predominance of surface water use in Taranaki. This is in contract to many other areas of NZ

8 Water resources Most of the Taranaki region receives a relatively consistent rainfall More than 300 short, fast flowing streams flow off Mt Taranaki This water is primarily of a high quality and is put to a range of uses Lots of streams does not necessarily mean lots of ‘available’ water.

9 The effect of rising payouts and increased awareness/acceptance of irrigation technology can be seen through the 1990’s

10 Effects of surface water removal (streams and rivers)
While there has been a significant increase in the use of surface water in Taranaki for the purpose of pasture irrigation, the volumes being removed are generally low when compared to the streams flow Some streams do have restrictions placed on them that take effect during times of low flow/drought( eg2003) These times are when the farmers are most wanting to use their consented water - Economic considerations

11 Surface-water has other users besides farmers who’s properties the river may flow( often giving a sense of ownership of that river to the landowner) - social considerations

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