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Warm-Up: Choose your slogan. Write it on the ¼ sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Choose your slogan. Write it on the ¼ sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Choose your slogan. Write it on the ¼ sheet.
Every tomorrow, I will be a better person than I am today. I am able to make other people feel important. I don’t have much. But, I will begin making the most of what I have.

2 Goals: Today’s objective is to familiarize ourselves with the On the Record books we will be reading. We will make observations based on skimming the book. We will answer one central idea multiple choice question. We will practice fluency. Create your goal for today…

3 Word Study Warm-Up/ Vocabulary Central Idea Question
Agenda: Slogan/ Goal Word Study Warm-Up/ Vocabulary Central Idea Question Mini-Lesson: Fluency Summarizing Pre-Reading Sheet for the On the Record book Grade 6: Schooled Grade 7: Planting Seeds Grade 8: Never Say Die

4 Word Study Grade 6 Follow the rules for chunking words to slash the following word apart. A l i g n e d

5 Word Study Grade 6 Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word “aligned.” “I went out on a limb and did the whole X- Factor thing and then I find out Demi [Lovato]’s a judge. It’s one of those moments when you feel like the stars have aligned,” Jillian said.

6 Central Idea Question Grade 6 2. Which statement best summarizes the central idea of the paragraph about Jillian Jensen that begins, “That confidence got her through…”? A. One’s confidence should be shaken by bullying. B. One can have enough confidence in herself to overcome obstacles and then fulfill life-long dreams. C. We should stop paying attention to those who don’t believe in us. D. It is always great to do things in front of your favorite people.

7 Word Study Grade 7 Follow the rules for chunking words to slash the following word apart. E X P O N E N T I A L L Y

8 Word Study Grade 7 Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word “exponentially.” The idea that being a friend can save a life gives ordinary people the power to enact change. When social media is factored in to that equation, that power increases exponentially.

9 Central Idea Question Grade 7 2. Which statement summarizes the central idea of the section labeled “Everyday Activism”? A. There are some dangers to using social media. B. The Shorty Awards are a quantifiable measure of the reach of social media. C. Buddy Project is focused on letting people know that someone cares about them. D. Social media has allowed the Buddy Project to reach an exponentially larger audience than it could in just one community.

10 Word Study Grade 8 Follow the rules for chunking words to slash the following word apart. N E U R O T I C

11 Word Study Grade 8 Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word “neurotic.” They believe that risky behavior allows people to feel more alive, powerful, and in control of their lives. Other psychologists believe that risky tendencies are linked to neurotic personality traits. This behavior would then be due to inner conflict.

12 Word Study Grade 8 Neurotic: of, relating to, or characteristic of neurosis. Neurosis: a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety or indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment.

13 Central Idea Question Grade 8 2. Scientists’ research on thrill-seeking personalities have included all of the following EXCEPT A. Freud’s belief that thrill-seeking was caused by the human drive toward death. B. the study of personality traits associated with risk-taking. C. the discovery that risk-takers create their own endorphins. D. the finding that thrill-seekers have brain abnormalities.

14 Fluency Check

15 Stretch Texts Grade 6 Grade 8 Grade 7

16 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 8

17 Complete BEFORE READING strategy sheet with a partner.
Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 8



20 Closing: Did you meet your goal?

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