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Presentation on theme: "OUR SUN."— Presentation transcript:


2 OUR SUN 4.01 Solar Nebula: - Cloud of gas and dust that developed into the solar system. - Our Sun was developed as a star from the burning of Hydrogen gas. Nebular Theory - Accepted idea that the sun and the planets condensed out of a spinning cloud of gas and dust.

3 Core Hydrogen fusion H + H → He + energy


5 Chromosphere Solar atmosphere Solar storm activity observed


7 Sunspots Cool, dark areas of gas within the photosphere.
4.04 Sunspots Cool, dark areas of gas within the photosphere. Caused by powerful magnetic fields. Slows down convection currents to the Photosphere, causing a cooling of certain areas of the surface.


9 - Cloud of glowing gases that arches high above sun’s surface.
4.04 Solar Prominence: - Cloud of glowing gases that arches high above sun’s surface.


11 Granulation 4.04 caused by the convection, or `bubbling' of the sun.

12 Atomic Structure of Sun’s Core
4.05 Hydrogen Atoms (H) splitting to Helium (He) Atoms Causes a great amount of energy See 5 step process in book page 572

13 Solar flare 4.07 Violent eruptions of plasma and EM photons

14 Solar Flare

15 Solar wind 4.07 Ions are so hot, gravity can’t hold them onto the sun

16 Coronal Mass Ejection 4.07 Massive burst of Solar Wind (above the Corona) being released into Space.

17 SUN Comic Strip DUE TOMORROW!! Grab the plastic sheets out of the bins
Put your comic strips in your Lab Book! Have fun! Be very detailed!!

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