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ELAC: English Learners Advisory Committee

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1 ELAC: English Learners Advisory Committee

2 Something that all schools with 21 or more EL students, must have.
A committee for parents or other community members who want to advocate for English Learners. The percentage of EL parents on ELAC must match that of the school. A committee that assists in the development of the school’s needs assessment, Language Census Report, and efforts to make aware of the importance of attendance. What is the ELAC? Must meet at least 4 times a year. Can be a part of SSC but then SSC must still fulfill the duties of ELAC. RFEP students do not count as EL students for the purpose of ELAC because we no longer receive funding for RFEP students even though students may be in the monitoring period. RFEP, IFEP, and EO parents may be on the ELAC committee but the majority of offices must be held by EL parents A committee whose purpose is to advise the principal, school staff and the School Site Council (SSC) on programs and services for English Learners (ELs).

3 How does the ELAC get formed?
Elections are at the beginning of any year that there are no members. Only families of ELs can vote for the ELAC members. Anyone can be nominated for the ELAC but the ELAC offices must match the % of the number of EL students at the site The principal or school site person is a member of ELAC. Other staff members and community members may be elected as ELAC members but the ELAC offices must match the % of the number of EL students at the site

4 ELAC Member Reminders The percentage of members for ELAC must be at least the same percentage as that of ELs at the school. If 82% of the school students are ELs, then 82% of the ELAC must be parents of ELs. So if there are 10 members, 5 must be parents of ELs. The rest can include the principal, staff, or other parents and community members but the ELAC members must match the % of the number of EL students at the site ELAC can be part of SSC however the duties of ELAC must then be carried out by SSC. The ELAC serves to advise the site in decision making. RFEP students do not count as EL students for the purpose of ELAC because we no longer receive funding for RFEP students even though students may be in the monitoring period. RFEP, IFEP, and EO parents may be on the ELAC committee but the majority of offices must be held by EL parents

5 Chairperson/President
ELAC Officers Chairperson/President Leads the meeting Signs letters or documents Attends the SSC meetings Vice-Chair/ Vice President Helps the president in any or all of the task Secretary Takes meeting notes Keeps the binder updated SAY: This is the usual way that the committee is formed. The whole ELAC must decide how the leadership will be selected or elected. It is usually defined in the by-laws. (You don’t need to read the whole slide.) It is not a requirement. The ELAC may also select or elect their representative to the SSC. FYI: There is no treasurer because the ELAC does not handle money…just advises on the plan, the program and the budget for ELs. (For example, this is a different role than the PTA, which does fundraising and decides how to spend the money they raise.) IMPORTANT POINT…for YOUR information…ELAC members can also run for the SSC!!!

6 What must the ELAC do? Select officers and follow their by-laws.
Meet on a regular basis with agendas – posted 72 hours before. Keep a binder with minutes, the sign-in, the by-laws, etc. Elect and send at least one representative to the DELAC meetings. Also select an alternate for the DELAC meetings in case the representative cannot come. The alternate can be someone from the school site- principal, teacher, etc. The alternate cannot vote at the DELAC meeting though. Open the meetings for all interested families or staff. Advise, in writing, the principal and the SSC on the development of the SPSA and or recommendations for the SPSA.

7 What are the meeting requirements?
Meetings must be open to the public and allow for public input. Meeting notices and agendas must be announced and posted at least 72 hours before the meeting. The public must have access to all the materials discussed and/or distributed at the meeting. This is usually kept in the ELAC binder and stored in a public place (like by the secretary). We recommend keeping a copy of the contents of the binder as well.

8 Required Agenda Topics for ELAC
(There are a minimum of 4 required ELAC meetings per site per year.)

9 Agenda Topics #1 The first meeting is an organizational meeting. The primary purposes of this meeting are to: Explain the purpose of the ELAC Provide training on the roles and responsibilities of ELAC members Elect ELAC officers Elect a DELAC Representative and Alternate Determine meeting dates and times for the year The principal or a site designee will conduct the meeting until a chairperson is elected. Uniform Compliant Procedure AMAO’s CELDT Testing Needs Assessment Sign-in sheets need to leave space for parents to write down the name or names of their children so that the school can verify which parents have English Learners in EL Programs.

10 Sample Agenda for Meeting 1
Call to Order Old Business New Business ELAC elections Appoint DELAC Representative and an Alternate The DELAC representative will vote at the DELAC meetings. The alternate cannot vote but still needs to attend if the representative cannot. ELAC Purpose Uniform Compliant Procedure AMAO’s CELDT Testing Needs Assessment Next Meeting Adjournment

11 Sample Needs Assessment
How do you feel your child is progressing in school? How well do you feel that your child’s teachers are prepared? How do you feel about communication to and from school? What are your thoughts about school policies? Do you feel that the content standards your child is learning have been clearly explained to you? Are the school rules equitable to all students? Do you feel comfortable discussing concerns with the school administration?

12 Sample Nomination Letter
Dear Parents: This year you will have a wonderful opportunity to become a more active participant in your child’s education. _______________ is conducting elections for the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The ELAC is a representative body of parents, students, and school site personnel who wish to take a more active part in planning, implementation, and evaluation of the school site’s educational plan. You can be nominated and then voted in to serve on the ELAC. English Learner Advisory Committee Candidate Name: Telephone Number: Student’s Name: Thank you for your participation and support! Please return this nomination letter to your child’s school.

13 Sample ELAC Ballot School Site: _____________Elections English Language Advisory Council (ELAC) Please vote for 2 parents and 2 staff members: Parent: Staff Member:

14 Agenda Topic #2 Call to Order Reading and Approval of Minutes
New Business Budget Input SPSA Discussion Student achievement Program services Categorical Budgets School goals District/School evaluations of program effectiveness Announcements Next Meeting Adjournment

15 Agenda Topic #3 Call to Order Reading and Approval of Minutes
New Business Reclassification Criteria Language Census Student Attendance Public Comment Next Meeting Adjournment

16 Talking points for Attendance

17 Schools receive on average $35 in income a day for each child that attends school.
So if a child misses four days a month, then the school loses $140 a month per child that is absent 4 days. Four days a month for the entire school year, means that the school then loses $1400 per child for the entire year. If 20 children at each school are absent this much, then the school loses $28,000 a year. Schools receive on average $35 in income a day for each child that attends school. So if a child misses four days a month, then the school loses $140 a month per child that is absent 4 days. Four days a month for the entire school year, means that the school then loses $1400 per child for the entire year. If 20 children at each school are absent this much, then the school loses $28,000 a year.

18 Every day a student misses school, he or she gets more than two days behind his or her peers.
So if a child misses four days a month, that is eight or more days behind their peers per month. Being absent for 4 days every month equals 36 days a year. This means that the child then becomes more than 72 days behind their peers. If the school year is 180 days, then that means that the child is almost half a year behind their peers.

19 Agenda Topic #4 Call to Order Reading and Approval of Minutes
New Business Language Census Report Upcoming SBAC/CAHSEE testing Public Input Announcements Next Meeting Adjournment

20 Other Useful Information Sites may need for ELAC

21 Guiding Questions for Parents to ask at ELAC:
What kind of questions can we ask as ELAC members? What is the school plan? How are teachers trained to teach ELs? Who oversees the plan and how is it evaluated? I want to visit classrooms. Who will help me with this? How can I support my child in school? READ THE SLIDE. Families may have other questions… If you can’t answer…just ask for the question…and call us!!! These are ALL great topics for future ELAC meetings and we can help you get the answers!!!! IMPORTANT…Middle and high schools are very different than elementary schools. Here are some good questions for secondary…What electives can ELs take? How many classes of ELD do ELs take? What kind of extra help are the ELs getting. How soon do ELs get reclassified? What is the reclassification rate of this school. How does this affect my child’s ability to graduate and take electives. You may want to hand out the FAQs from our DELAC meeting.

22 Purposeful Placement Structured English Immersion (SEI)
CELDT B, EI, and I English Language Mainstream (ELM) CELDT EA and A Mainstream/Core Classes RFEP students ELD K-5 takes place during the self-contained classroom day 6-12 students are grouped by EL Proficiency level

23 Professional Development for Teachers Teacher Authorization
QTEL WFTB and WFTBB Thinking Maps ELPD Teacher Authorization CTEL CLAD SB 395 This slide would be used if parents were to ask about how teachers are trained. If there are questions about what these trainings are, please let us know.

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