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Regional Oncology Social Work

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Oncology Social Work"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Oncology Social Work
The Position The Plan The Progress

2 This position is additional and sits along side the nursing positions
This position is additional and sits along side the nursing positions year contract from Feb. Icing on the Cake

3 Created by the Regional Social Work Oncology Group
Sel conceived group. The Network was set up by practitioners to fulfil a need for exchange of information and ideas for social workers working with patients with an oncology diagnosis. There was a recognition that practitioners while supported by their DHD teams needed to meet with other practitioners for whom cancer was a focus. The ultimate aim was to improve supportive care for patients in the region. The Central Cancer Network became involved when it realised a opportunity was being provided to both receive feedback and seek feedback from a group of professionals involved in the care of oncology patients from a different perspective. The Group provided a forum for ideas and changes to be discussed and disseminated back into the multi disciplinary teams the workers were part of. Created by the Regional Social Work Oncology Group

4 Key Focus Areas. Section 1: Leadership and communication
Section 2: Excellence in Cancer Care (service and system) Section 3: Workforce (individual and professional) Section 4 Evidence based practice and research Align with Nursing

5 Leadership and Communication
Focus area 1: Leadership ROSW Director provides leadership for the Regional Oncology Social Work (ROSW) Group 1.2 Establishing relationships with key stakeholders and influence service development via ongoing engagement Section 1: Leadership and Communication This section outlines leadership and communication activities to promote Social Work within Oncology services both within the District Health Boards (DHBs) and the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) to further improve service delivery to the patient in line with the Supportive Care for Adults with Cancer Guidelines 2010. Focus area 1: Leadership ROSW Director provides leadership for the Regional Oncology Social Work (ROSW) Group. Activities: Meeting with all Social Workers in the Lower North Island for whom cancer is a major part of there clinical workload at each area. Development of Terms of Reference for the group to strengthen the service improvement focus Twice yearly Regional Oncology Social Workers (ROSW) meeting with focus on quality improvement activity Quarterly teleconference regarding topic specific developments Explore if specialty SW groups would add value eg palliative care, NGO 1.2 Establishing relationships with key stakeholders and influence service development via ongoing engagement Activities Meetings and ongoing communications with key stakeholders, including Regional Allied Health Directors, DHB Health Social Work Leaders, CCN regional Nurse Directors, OSWs in other regional cancer networks, Psychosocial Oncology New Zealand (PONZ) and Massey Psychosocial Oncology Service. Present at regional / national forums as able

6 Leadership and Communication
Focus area 2: Communication 2.1 Development and implementation of a Communications Plan to support the work plan Focus area 2: Communication Development and implementation of a Communications Plan to support the work plan Activities: Communication Plan developed 6 weekly updates to ROSW, including education and project progress information. Communication will focus on issues that relate more closely to aspects of psychosocial care. Provide a feedback mechanism for Social Work into CCN plans and developments.

7 Excellence in Cancer Care (service and system)
Focus area 3: Faster Cancer Treatment (FCT) 3.1 Ensuring that there is a clear statement of the role of OSW in cancer care including care co-ordination and seamless interfaces between hospital-based and community –based support services  3.2 Participation in national tumour streams, standards and guideline developments 3.3 OSWs role within the MDM / MDT is confirmed with key referral points identified. Section 2: Excellence in Cancer Care Working with the Regional Cancer Managers and the Nurse Directors for Cancer Care, develop co-ordinating cancer care and support services and provide appropriate systems focused training to ensure a seamless interface between hospital based and community based support services. Focus area 3: Faster Cancer Treatment (FCT) Ensuring that there is a clear statement of the role of OSW in cancer care including care co-ordination and seamless interfaces between hospital-based and community –based support services Activities Ongoing engagement with new Cancer Nurse Coordinators including attendance at any regional forums Feedback into policy and procedures as they develop Liaison with CNCs to assist with referral pathways. Promotion of discussion re other policies that have a impact on Cancer patients i.e. National Travel Allowance, Work and Income NZ Contribution as CCN role develops re areas of role collaboration. Promotion of use of common tools and standards regarding Psychosocial care. Facilitation of Sub-regional tool for information flow between Social Workers. Supporting work on a 3DHB information sharing process for common patients. Participation in national tumour streams, standards and guideline developments OSW continue to participate in national Tumour stream work groups as temporary clinical advisors as process is finalised. Feedback on national guidelines and policies as appropriate OSWs role within the MDM / MDT is confirmed with key referral points identified. Looking at wider MDT processes and regional process. Attendance upcoming to MDM to further understand the process.

8 Excellence in Cancer Care (service and system)
Focus Area 4: Psychosocial care and standards. 4.1 Evaluation of current available tools and suitability for New Zealand established. Training and guidance provided. Focus Area 4: Psychosocial care and standards. 4.1 Evaluation of current available psychosocial assessment and management tools and their suitability for New Zealand established. Training and guidance provided. Activities Attendance at the American Oncology Social Work Conference to learn more about psychosocial care and disseminate learnings regionally Scoping a project to pilot the use of Distress Screening and the Distress Thermometer (in collaboration with Nurse Directors and Cancer Nurse Coordinators). Review of existing psychosocial assessment tools currently in use in the region with a view to improving standardisation

9 Workforce (Individual and Professional)
Focus Area 5: Education A regional education strategy for OSWs is developed in line with the national Learning and Development Framework for Social Workers which has been developed Focus Area 6: Professional Development 6.1 Partner with Nurses in Cancer Care to develop an Introduction to cancer care’ course or toolset for use across all settings covering disease patho-physiology, cancer treatment, care co-ordination, regional cancer service models of care Section 3: Workforce (Individual and Professional) Development of a regional educational strategy for OSW to strengthen the workforces’ skill and expertise in cancer care across the region. To further develop OSW overall knowledge about the care of the person with cancer and their whanau from both the experienced practitioner and those new to oncology worker. Focus Area 5: Education A regional education strategy for OSWs is developed in line with the national Learning and Development Framework for Social Workers which has been developed. Activities Engagement with Regional Team Leaders re regional plans for the implementation of the Learning and Development Framework Development of oncology framework enhancing baseline health Social Work Competencies. Focus Area 6: Professional Development Partner with Nurses in Cancer Care to develop an Introduction to cancer care’ course or toolset for use across all settings covering disease patho-physiology, cancer treatment, care co-ordination, regional cancer service models of care Develop Introduction to Cancer Care programme and resources (in partnership with Regional Cancer Nurse Directors)

10 Workforce (Individual and Professional)
Focus area 7: Induction/orientation 7.1 At a regional level develop a cancer OSW/Allied Health orientation programme and resources

11 Evidence Base Practice and Research.
Focus area 8: Research 8.1 Database of research projects and activities, research resources available to them and funding opportunities 8.2 New Developments and relevant research Focus area 9: Evidence Based Practice. To ensure OSW’s are involved in innovations in clinical practice based on sound evidence. To encourage OSW’s in development in innovative clinical practice. Section 4 Evidence Based Practice and Research. To increase the engagement of OSW in cancer related research leading to increased innovation in practice. To ensure relevant research is available and incorporated into new developments and service improvements. Focus Area 8: Research Database of research projects and activities, research resources available to them and funding opportunities New Developments and relevant research Activity Encourage systems for monitoring, tracking and evaluating care co-ordination and psychosocial outcomes. Engage in Research around topics relevant to Oncology Social Work. Focus Area 9: Evidence Based Practice. To ensure OSW’s are involved in innovations in clinical practice based on sound evidence. To encourage OSW’s in development in innovative clinical practice. Regional OSW education / research forums as they arise Attendance at relevant conferences and feedback into service development. Regular dissemination of research and innovation updates in line with the communication strategy.

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