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Diffuse large B cell lymphoma in elderly patients(>80 years old)

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1 Diffuse large B cell lymphoma in elderly patients(>80 years old)
Journal reading Diffuse large B cell lymphoma in elderly patients(>80 years old) British Journal of Haematology, 2012, 157, 159–170 Annals of Oncology 23: 1280–1286, 2012 R4 簡聖軒 指導老師: 蕭樑材大夫

2 Outline Characteristic in elderly patient
Evaluation of elderly patient Prognostic factor Treatment strategy

3 100年國人零歲平均餘命,男性為76.0歲,女性為82.7歲

4 100年65歲以上死亡數占全體死亡數之68.5%

5 十大惡性腫瘤申報發生人數及發生率 公開類 年 報 每年終了第3年4月底前填報 1631-08-01 中華民國 97 年 順 位 總 計
編製機關 行政院衛生署國民健康局 年 報 每年終了第3年4月底前填報 表  號 十大惡性腫瘤申報發生人數及發生率 中華民國 97 年 單位:人 順 位 總            計 男            性 女            性 國際疾病分類腫瘤學代碼ICD-O-3 部 位 發生人數 發生率 (C00~C80) (每10萬人口) 1 C50 女性乳房 8,136 71.30 (1) C22 肝及肝內膽管 7,401 63.66 2 C18-C21 結腸及直腸 11,004 47.77 6,277 53.99 4,727 41.43 3 10,565 45.86 C33,C34 肺、支氣管及氣管 6,194 53.28 3,322 29.11 4 9,516 41.31 C00-C06,C09, C10,C12-C14 口腔、口咽及下咽 5,349 46.01 3,164 27.73 5 C61 攝護腺 3,603 30.99 (2) C53 子宮頸 1,725 15.12 6 5,781 25.09 C16 2,303 19.81 C73 甲狀腺 1,561 13.68 7 3,578 15.53 C15 食道 1,849 15.90 C54 子宮體 1,424 12.48 8 C67 膀胱 1,476 12.70 1,275 11.17 9 C44 皮膚 1,380 11.87 1,205 10.56 10 2,585 11.22 C11 鼻咽 1,162 9.99 C56,C57.0-C57.4 卵巢、輸卵管及寬韌帶 1,110 9.73 全癌症 79,818 346.48 45,171 388.52 34,647 303.64

6 十大惡性腫瘤申報發生人數及發生率 公開類 年 報 每年終了第3年4月底前填報 1631-08-01 中華民國 98 年 順 位 總 計
編製機關 行政院衛生署國民健康局 年 報 每年終了第3年4月底前填報 表  號 十大惡性腫瘤申報發生人數及發生率 中華民國 98 年 單位:人 順 位 總            計 男            性 女            性 國際疾病分類腫瘤學代碼ICD-O-3 部 位 發生人數 發生率 (C00~C80) (每10萬人口) 1 C50 女性乳房 8,926 77.73 (1) C22 肝及肝內膽管 7,747 66.57 2 C18-C21 結腸及直腸 12,488 54.01 7,151 61.45 5,337 46.48 3 11,080 47.92 C33,C34 肺、支氣管及氣管 6,737 57.89 3,906 34.02 4 10,643 46.03 C00-C06,C09, C10,C12-C14 口腔、口咽及下咽 5,927 50.93 3,333 29.03 5 C61 攝護腺 4,013 34.49 (2) C73 甲狀腺 1,846 16.08 6 6,480 28.03 C16 2,404 20.66 C53 子宮頸 1,796 15.64 7 3,848 16.64 C15 食道 1,898 16.31 C54 子宮體 1,496 13.03 8 C44 皮膚 1,589 13.66 1,444 12.58 9 C67 膀胱 1,419 12.19 1,339 11.66 10 2,928 12.66 M 非何杰金氏淋巴瘤 1,205 10.36 C56,C57.0-C57.4 卵巢、輸卵管及寬韌帶 1,113 9.69 全癌症 87,189 377.12 49,022 ######## 38,167

7 Difficult in treatment
Multiple co-morbid illness Decreased portal/renal perfusion flow Altered pharmacokinetics Decreased bone marrow hematopioetic reserve Poor compliance and tolerance Exclude in clinical trial, no available guideline

8 Evaluation-cumulative illness score

9 Charlson score


11 NHL 3 hematology centers
Israel age 80 years or older at diagnosis.

12 Annals of Oncology 17: 928–934, 2006

13 Annals of Oncology 17: 928–934, 2006

14 Annals of Oncology 17: 928–934, 2006



17 Discussion Aggressive lymphoma increase with age, especially in patient age > 85 years Complete response : 50 %, In aggressive lymphoma, short survival median survival : 18 months 3 year survival rate: 35%

18 Discussion Prognostic parameter: IPI and PS
Aggressive chemotherapy had a significantly longer median survival than no or mild therapy For with aggressive lymphoma, age alone should not be a contraindication for treatment

19 Five regional Dutch cancer registries
From (N:419)


21 After adjustment other variable, age and performance was independently associated with receiving CHOP like chemotherapy

22 Toxicities and response
Grade 3-4 toxicity occurred in 67 % in CHOP like therapy , 40 % in milder regimen Age 75-79 80-85 >85 Toxicity 62% 73% 85 % CHOP-like chemotherapy was coded as CHOP, CHOP + rituximab (RCHOP), cyclophosphamide + hydroxorubicin + Vm-26 + prednisone + bleomycin + vincristine, and CHOP + methotrexate Tx >6 CHOP like <6CHOP like Sub-optiamal CR 67 29 11 Recurrence 38 33 63 Mean time from diagnosis to recurence 20 months 16 months 16

23 Survival Tx >6 CHOP like <6CHOP like Sub-optiamal Nil
5 yr survivial 38 22 12 4

24 Influence survival After correction aaIPI, The effect of therapy (in four subgroups) was independently associated with survival

25 N Engl J Med 2002; 346:

26 R-CHOP VS CHOP in elderly
years of age with diffise large B cell lymphoma , randomization mainly in France stage II, III, or IV disease ECOG of 0 to 2 (good to fair) No history of indolent lymphoma central nervous system involvement, active cancer Excluded if cardiac contraindication to doxorubicin therapy Excluded neurologic contraindication to vincristine Patients treated with CHOP received the combination of 750 mg of cyclophosphamide per square meter of body-surface area on day 1; 50 mg of doxorubicin per square meter on day 1; 1.4 mg of vincristine per square meter, up to a maximal dose of 2 mg, on day 1; and 40 mg of prednisone per square meter per day for five days. They were treated every three weeks for eight cycles of CHOP. Patients treated with CHOP plus rituximab also received rituximab, at a dose of 375 mg per square meter, on day 1 of each of the eight cycles of CHOP. The rituximab infusion was interrupted in the event of fever, chills, edema, congestion of the head and neck mucosa, hypotension, or any other serious adverse event and was resumed when such an event was no longer occurring. No radiation therapy was scheduled or recommended at the end of treatment.

27 R-CHOP VS CHOP in elderly
G-CSF in grade 4 neutropenia C+H decreased 50 % in > 2 x grade 4 neutropenia C+H decreased 50 % Grade 3- 4 thrombocytopenia If neutrophil < 1500 or platelet < 10000, hold Tx If hold Tx > 2 wks, DC treatment plan The doses of rituximab were not modified, but rituximab was discontinued when CHOP was stopped. Treatment was stopped if lymphoma progressed


29 Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 460–68

30 Procedure Prospective, multicentre, single-arm, phase 2 study
GELA ran the study in 38 centers in France and Belgium Age > 80 years with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. ECOG< 2 Rituximab + CHOP (R-miniCHOP) at 3-week intervals. 375 mg/m2 rituximab, 400 mg/m2 cyclophosphamide, 25 mg/m2 doxorubicin, 1 mg vincristine 40 mg/m2 prednisone on days 1–5. Inclusion criteria were Ann Arbor stage I bulky to stage IV disease; age-adjusted international prognostic index (IPI)18 score of 1, 2, or 3 (based on disease stage, performance status, and lactate dehydrogenase concentration; a score of 2–3 suggests a higher risk of death than a score of 0–1); Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status score of 2 or less;19 minimum life expectancy of 3 months; and negative HIV, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus serology test 4 weeks or less before enrolment (except after vaccination). Exclusion criteria were any other lymphoma subtype; history of treated or non-treated indolent lymphoma; CNS or meningeal involvement; contraindication to any drug in the chemotherapy regimen; serious active disease according to the investigator’s decision; poor renal function, defi ned as creatinine concentration greater than 150 μmol/L; poor hepatic function, defi ned as total bilirubin concentration greater than 30 μmol/L or transaminases over 2・5 times the maximum normal concentration, unless these abnormalities were related to the lymphoma; poor bone-marrow reserve, defi ned as neutrophil count less than 1・5×10⁹/L or platelet count less than 100×10⁹/L, unless caused by bone-marrow infi ltration; history of cancer during the past 5 years, with the exception of non-melanoma skin tumours or stage 0 (in situ) cervical carcinoma; treatment with any investigational drug within 30 days before the planned

31 G-CSF or erythropoietin support was left to the discretion of the treating physician.
Recommend G-CSF SC used on day 6-day13 if severe neutropenic fever until neutrophil >1000 Hold theray if neutrophil < 1000, if neutophil still < 1000 for more than 28 days, treatment DC


33 Association of deaths with treatment during treatment phase

34 Response 108/149 complete 6 X R-miniCHOP Median survival was 21 months
2 year prgoression free survival 47% 58 death report: 33 lymphoma progression 12 toxicities of treatment Most frequently side effeict : hematological toxicity >3 grade neutropenia : 59 Febrile neutropenia : 11

35 Median overall survival was 29 months



38 Conclusion 29 months median survival
62% complete response rate (CR+uCR) The only parameter associated with poor outcome is low serum albumin Death from toxicity in previous study: 9%-23%, but 5 death in first cycle in this study Despite absence of a control arm. This study suggest selected patient older than 80 years with DLBCL in good performance, R-miniCHOP is considered

39 Take home message Treatment in very elderly patient is no more rare pratice As age increased, aggressive lymphoma is more popular Adequate evaluation is essential for treatment decision, suitable for elderly tool Performance, LDH, albumin are most import prognostic factor

40 Take home message Age would not be contraindication for therapy
Median survival: months and complete response: 50 % in treatment population Treatment with Rituximab and reduced dose of chemotherapy would be acceptable strategy

41 Thanks

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