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A Strategic Approach to Self Management

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1 A Strategic Approach to Self Management
Argyll & Bute A Strategic Approach to Self Management Support People to Live Better & Active Lives 21st November 2018

2 What are we doing in Argyll & Bute?

3 Self management courses
Working with Versus Arthritis to deliver Self Management courses across Argyll & Bute, SLA in place 5 weekly courses delivered in localities to support people to manage their long term condition additional week Pain courses also delivered Versus Arthritis coordinates and trains volunteers Coordinates course delivery Currently exploring development of a new model that will be more sustainable going forward.

4 Self Management Partnership
New and evolving Partnership Membership made up of Arthritis Care, LOHO, MS centre, North Argyll Carers, TSI, A&B HSCP Recent funding award from the Alliance to support the developing Partnership and development of a sustainable model

5 Self Management Toolkit
Developed in partnership with a Highland Self Management partnership called LGOWIT. A&B involved in its development and it has been used locally to support the self management. Now looking at how to embed this within our services as well.

6 Self Management Toolkit
3 parts Part 1 Self management Information Part 2 Toolkit Part 3 Personal Plan

7 Part 1 Allowing people to take control
Living with a Long term condition, Pain, Fatigue, Anxiety, depression 5 steps of change, Understand your condition, acceptance, what matters to you, being positive, how to make change happen. Physical activity and healthy eating

8 The Tools Part 2, Toolkit 7 tools Know your symptoms
Setting personal goals Pacing Planning for setbacks Manage your medication Distraction techniques Relaxation techniques The Tools

9 Part 3, Personal Plan 5 tools/templates to the plan,
Know your symptoms Setting personal goals Pacing Planning for setbacks Manage your medication

10 Florence Text Monitoring

11 Pain Toolkit In 2016 38 Physios and 11 SM volunteers trained
Last year 15 workshops held with 103 participants very positive feedback. Further work still to be done to embed within our NHS services. Included as part of SM courses

12 Self Management Strategy
Background NHS Highland Strategy 6 years ago Developed in partnership with LGOWIT and NHS Highland Presented to NHS Highland Board, but not really ever embedded Scoping exercise carried out It was felt that something was needed that would bring different activity together and help us to focus on the different aspects of self management with strategic buy in and support

13 Self Management Strategy
Strategy Planning Workshop held in August 2018, What is Current happening? What are our Gaps ? What we should do more of to help people self manage? Key themes and actions came out of the workshops

14 Self Management Strategy
Key themes Simpler and Clearer Processes Peer support and Empowerment Information and Support Transformational change Workforce Development Focus on What Keep us Well Right person, Right Place right time

15 Self Management Strategy
Next steps Engagement with people living with LTCs, focus groups on what should be in the strategy Engagement with staff including GPs Map existing assets and opportunities, eg GMS contract, reablement, 3rd sector, pharmacy Short life working group Engagement and consultation workshops/focus groups Strategic Ownership and Buy in Launch Strategy April 2020 Right person, Right Place right time

16 It remains a challenge to get self management embedded in everything that we do, but we must keep driving this culture change. An new approach that will, in time, be how we always engage and collaborate. most importantly of all is to find your local champions and enthusiasts, wherever you can find them. Could you be a champion? What can you do to support us to embed self management?

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