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STORYBOARDS ® Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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1 STORYBOARDS Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

2 What is a storyboard? A storyboard is a scene-by-scene drawing of the sequence of action. Storyboards tell the story visually with enough detail for developers to know what to build. The anatomy of the storyboard can change by the specific usage. This is just one simple example for one graphic. The notes are at the bottom and indicate the audience and purpose. The audience are any professional members of the medical community wishing to have websites designed for them. The purpose of the logo is to identify my design agency as focused on the medical community. Note that the scale is indicated. The color scheme is true to how the finished product will look. It is a play on my name and initials: G Miller

3 Two basic types of storyboards
Static – No action elements indicated. Used for a graphical design such as a logo or page banner. Animatic – Indicating action, movement, camera angles, or the passage of time. Typically used in making movies.

4 Example of storyboards
Sample storyboard layout when multiple pages or scenes are part of the design. Navigation Buttons Main Menu Details Screen Name

5 Why storyboard? Easier and cheaper to produce and test ideas on paper before production. Easier to generate alternate ideas as you think of them. Effective tool to check that the finished product is what it should be!

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