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1 Macromolecules

2 Organic Compounds Primarily made of carbon atoms.
Carbon has the ability to form 4 covalent bonds at one time, so it is a great element to build off of. All 4 major categories of macromolecules are carbon based structures.

3 Building of Large Compounds
Monomers are linked together into polymers by condensation reactions. Condensation reactions require the removal of a water molecule.

4 Dehydration removes a water molecule, forming a new bond H2O
Fig. 5-2a HO 1 2 3 H HO H Short polymer Unlinked monomer Dehydration removes a water molecule, forming a new bond H2O Figure 5.2 The synthesis and breakdown of polymers HO 1 2 3 4 H Longer polymer (a) Dehydration reaction in the synthesis of a polymer

5 Breaking Down Large Compounds
Polymers are broken down into their individual monomers by hydrolysis reactions. Hydrolysis reactions involve the breaking of bonds by inserting water.

6 HO 1 2 3 4 H H2O HO 1 2 3 H HO H (b) Hydrolysis adds a water
Fig. 5-2b HO 1 2 3 4 H Hydrolysis adds a water molecule, breaking a bond H2O Figure 5.2 The synthesis and breakdown of polymers HO 1 2 3 H HO H (b) Hydrolysis of a polymer

7 Carbohydrates Composed of CHO in a 1:2:1 ratio.
Monosaccharides are the building blocks for polysaccharides. Used primarily for energy storage in plants as starch and animals as glycogen. A structural form found in plants is cellulose.

8 Aldoses Glyceraldehyde Ribose Glucose Galactose Ketoses
Fig. 5-3 Trioses (C3H6O3) Pentoses (C5H10O5) Hexoses (C6H12O6) Aldoses Glyceraldehyde Ribose Glucose Galactose Figure 5.3 The structure and classification of some monosaccharides Ketoses Dihydroxyacetone Ribulose Fructose

9 Proteins Composed of CHON.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins have a variety of functions in the cell, most importantly the speeding up of chemical reactions. The specialized proteins are called enzymes. Each protein’s job is determined by the arrangement and length of their amino acid chain.

10 Fig. 5-UN1  carbon Amino group Carboxyl group

11 Amino end (N-terminus) Carboxyl end (C-terminus)
Fig. 5-18 Peptide bond (a) Side chains Peptide bond Figure 5.18 Making a polypeptide chain Backbone Amino end (N-terminus) Carboxyl end (C-terminus) (b)

12 Lipids Composed of CHO in a much greater than 2:1 ratio of H:O.
The store energy in greater amounts than carbohydrates, but are mostly known for their ability to repel water which makes them the most important part of a cell membrane. The also help with insulation of the cell and serve as hormones.

13 Fat molecule (triacylglycerol)
Fig. 5-11b Ester linkage Figure 5.11 The synthesis and structure of a fat, or triacylglycerol (b) Fat molecule (triacylglycerol)

14 Nucleic Acids Composed of CHOPN.
They are responsible for storing the genetic info for the cell. 2 forms, DNA and RNA Their building blocks are called nucleotides, made of a 5- carbon sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogen base.

15 5' end 3' end Sugar-phosphate backbones Base pair (joined by
Fig. 5-28 5' end 3' end Sugar-phosphate backbones Base pair (joined by hydrogen bonding) Old strands Nucleotide about to be added to a new strand 3' end 5' end Figure 5.28 The DNA double helix and its replication New strands 5' end 3' end 5' end 3' end

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