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Social Software: Wikis

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1 Social Software: Wikis
May 19, 2004 Social Software: Wikis Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, U of S Library November 28, 2005

2 Darlene Fichter

3 Collaboration Happens at Different Levels
Community level Relatively intense interactions Rheingold - “enough people carry on public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace." Network level Interaction based around a topic or subject Team level Based around a project, task, process

4 U of S Weblog Initiative
I worked with the campus IT project team on: Software selection Policy Promotion Training Stage: “soft rollout” UThink – University of Minnesota (library led institution wide) Embedded “blog this” in the licensed database results like links to citation manager

5 The University of Warwick: Statistics

6 Aggregate Tags for Your Community
University of Warwick Launch fall 2004 Blogs 3,622 Posts 47,872 Comments 110,784 Tags 4,654

7 Small Team Blog – Data Library
Software: Movable Type

8 Wiki WikiWikiWeb

9 What is a “Wiki”? Web application invented by Ward Cunningham in 1994 that allows anyone to add content and anyone to edit it. “It’s a tool for collaboration, really, we don’t know quite what it is but it’s a fun way of communicating asynchronously across the network”. Wiki means “quick” in Hawaiian

10 Wiki’s Characteristics
Intended to be simple so you can focus on the writing, not the mechanics and syntax No HTML required

11 Wikis: Collections of Pages
Home Page Contact Us Products RFPs edit edit edit edit Wiki pages look like web pages Anyone with a web browser can read a wiki site Illustrations adapted from Guillaume du Gardier. What is a wiki? June 2, 2005

12 Click, Write and Save Anyone with a web browser can edit a wiki site
...KMWorld 2005 …KMWorld 2005 edit edit save Anyone can undo any change at any time

13 Creating New Pages Create a new page by writing its name in CamelCase, called a WikiName Title NewName … NewName … edit edit Click on any WikiName to see pages that link to it

14 Wiki Design Principles
Openness and trust if a page is incomplete or inaccurate anyone can edit it Incremental pages can cite other pages, even those not yet written Observable you can see the changes being made Organic site structure is up to everyone and it will evolve and change More principles… Wiki Design Principles

15 Wiki (Jotspot) Anatomy: Features
Search Attach a File Changes via RSS Invite users Import Word s Make a comment Send an

16 Wiki Examples: Wikipedia

17 Wikipedia: Recent Changes

18 Wikipedia in Action London bombing, time lapse for Wikipedia changes
Emergent Information The Day Citizen Media Went Mainstream, July 11,

19 Wikipedia: Viewing History

20 Wiki Gardeners Person who goes around tidying up the wiki, pruning, editing, organizing, and cleaning up Usually liked and respected On a wiki, you might want to assign this role.

21 Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki

22 Ohio University Biz Wiki

23 University of Connecticut Staff Wiki

24 Butler WikiRef

25 Other Social Software Examples
Social Bookmark Tools Furl - Connotea - (aimed at academic, software is open source and you can install locally) - sharing, tagging and subscribing to other bookmarks recommends other sites to you based on your profile Flickr sharing and tagging photos Technorati search blogs, or switch and search "tags"

26 Thank you Questions? Darlene Fichter
University of Saskatchewan Libraries

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