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RQT Programme – Day 1 Clare Goodall and Andrew Crosby.

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Presentation on theme: "RQT Programme – Day 1 Clare Goodall and Andrew Crosby."— Presentation transcript:

1 RQT Programme – Day 1 Clare Goodall and Andrew Crosby

2 Why are we here?

3 NQT training and support
We are here to: provide training provide guidance provide support – emotional or otherwise We are NOT here to: assess your progress or performance

4 Outline for the day You and your teaching Workshop 1 10:30 – 11:45 Coffee break Workshop 2 Your aims for the year 12:15 – 13:00 Lunch Taking a research approach to CPD Your action plan

5 You and your teaching

6 You and your teaching Which areas of teaching are you yet to fully master? Which areas of teaching would you like to take to greater depth? Which areas of teaching do you particularly enjoy? Where have you developed some bad habits that you would like to fix? Complete the self assessment of the standards or remind yourself where you were at by the end of your NQT year. Find your two greatest strengths … and your two most haunting weaknesses

7 Appraise yourself against the standards
Remind yourself of the Standards Self-audit on the Self-Evaluation of Skills sheet,

8 You and your aims

9 Workshop 1 9:45 – 10:45 1. Early Years 2. Planning writing 3. Planning Maths 4. Differentiation


11 Workshops

12 Workshop :00 – 12:00 1. Early Years (continued) 2. Planning reading 3. Planning maths 4. Differentiation

13 You and your aims What do you want to achieve this year? Where do you want to go with your career? Think about your own self-assessment Think about what you just picked up at a workshop Identify three targets you want to achieve by the end of the year You won’t be on your own … you will have a coach/mentor in school to help


15 The RQT programme

16 The RQT Programme Aims – work alongside a school mentor to: Hone classroom practice while beginning to shoulder increased responsibility. Deepen knowledge and refine practice while trying out and evaluating the effectiveness of new approaches. Explore areas of leadership and potential career development. Carry out in-school research linked to personal and wider school needs.

17 The research approach

18 The research approach

19 Plan your action

20 Gap task

21 RQT (Early Career) Training Programme
Gap Task 1 Complete your action plan and plan your first Lesson Study. Prepare two research questions or focus areas that you would like to explore at our next session on 1st November 2018: an elective lesson study at Beechwood Junior School or Townhill Infant School. Don’t make the questions too specific. For KS1 and KS2, they will need to be addressed within a maths or literacy context. Try to link them to your own Lesson Study so that they inform different approaches you might wish to trial yourself. your questions to: by 18th October, specifying which key stage and if you would prefer to observe maths or literacy.

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