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Designing Comprehensive Gifted and Talented Programming

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1 Designing Comprehensive Gifted and Talented Programming
December 5, 2018

2 Agenda Welcome/Check-in Process Home Play
Developing a Written Gifted and Talented Plan District Program Goals Domains of Giftedness Identification Tools and Criteria Using this information Developing an Identification Plan

3 Home Play Complete one section of SA/RT
Program Goals Finish Beliefs and Commitments to Action Share draft of V/M/B/CA with GT Advisory, Administrative Team, and/or School Board Get input

4 A comprehensive gifted and talented plan
Academy Outcome A comprehensive gifted and talented plan

5 Comprehensive Program Design
…a thoughtful, unified service delivery plan that has a singular purpose: to identify the many, varied ways that will be used to meet the needs of high-potential students. --Purcell & Eckert, p. 74 Review the Principles on p. 75, complete cause/effect chart, and discuss what you need to improve.

6 Considerations Unique learning profile of students
Level of challenge in regular curriculum Ways high-potential learners are already served Areas where services are lacking --Purcell & Eckert, p. 74 This essentially constitutes a gap analysis with gifted services filling the gap. Consider how this fits with “beyond the regular school program” language in Iowa Code.

7 Goals and Performance Measures
Program Goals Provide focus for evaluation and planning Provide direction toward a particular purpose “living” - will be revised as needed Based on clear mission and definition of giftedness (target population) --Purcell & Eckert, p. 63 Goals are broad and might not be measurable. The objectives or indicators are more specific and measurable.

8 Goals and Performance Measures
What does success look like? How will we know when we get there? What data will we collect? How good is good enough?

9 Traits Alignment Validity Comprehensiveness Clarity
Purcell & Eckert, p. 64-5

10 Using SART to Establish Program Goals
Complete selected sections of the Self-Audit/Reflection Tool. Establish a long-term goal for each area to function as a “standard” Identify area(s) most in need of improvement. Write targeted short-term (annual) goal(s) to the area & develop action plan Year-end review to ascertain goal attainment.

11 Sample Program Goals Urbandale District 196, Minnesota Waukee
Based on NAGC Program Standards Waukee

12 Examine Your Program Goals
Do you have program goals? Are they program goals or student outcomes? What’s the difference? Why is each important?

13 Developing Student Outcomes
How students will benefit as a result of the programming they receive Possible bases Universal Constructs NAGC Programming Goals

14 Home Play Complete Identification Section of SA/RT
Establish program goals for identification Determine domains of giftedness to be served Write identification plan for district (Identification section of written plan)

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