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6.01 Explain the concept of branding

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1 6.01 Explain the concept of branding

2 Forms of Branding A brand is a design, name, symbol, term or word that distinguishes and identifies a company and/or products or services

3 Forms of Branding A corporate brand represents the entire company or organization For example, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Kraft or Microsoft

4 Forms of Branding A product brand represents a specific product of a company or organization For example, Diet Vanilla Coke, Big Mac, or Windows XP

5 Forms of Branding A private distributor brand, also called a store brand For example, Radio Shack brand of batteries, Lowe’s brand of macaroni and cheese

6 Components of a brand name
Includes all of the combined impressions and experiences associated with a particular company or product For example, McDonalds makes the customer think about quick food, low prices, and consistent service

7 Components of a brand name
Brand identity consists of a spoken name and corresponding design, logo, or symbol For example, Coca-Cola and the Coke “swirl” or Nike and the Nike “Swoosh”

8 Components of a brand name
Brand image is the consumer’s belief about the company and/or its goods or services Quality, price and value may affect a brand’s image

9 Components of a brand name
Brand equity is the perception of added value a product has as a result of its brand name A highly recognizable brand has a high level of brand equity Is an intangible perception or memory

10 Benefits of brand equity
Include: Brand name recognition or awareness Customer loyalty Perceived quality Strong emotional or mental associations

11 Brand equity as an asset
Coca Cola $69 billion Microsoft $65 billion Disney $32.6 billion American Express $17 billion Ericsson $7 billion

12 Forms of trademarks Trademark:
Word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies and distinguishes the company from others Has legal protection through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office TM

13 Forms of trademarks Service Mark: Same as a trademark, but for service

14 Forms of trademarks ®: Trademark ™ or Service mark SM:
Used by company to claim rights/ownership to a trademark or service mark ®: May be used by company after registering TM or SM with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (

15 Forms of trademarks Trade character:
Personified symbol that represents the brand name For example, Mickey Mouse for Disney, Captain Fear for Tampa Bay Buccaneers, or STORMY for the Carolina Hurricanes

16 Elements that make a brand successful
Easy to pronounce and free from negative connotations For example, Tide or New Balance

17 Elements that make a brand successful
Short and easy to remember and recognize For example, Nike or Epic records

18 Elements that make a brand successful
Describe the products features and/or benefits For example, Arcticat Snowmobiles or Goodyear Aquatred

19 Elements that make a brand successful
Consistent with the image of the product For example, Snackwells or FedEx

20 Elements that make a brand successful
Must be distinctive enough to not infringe on any copyrights or other trademarks Should be capable of legal protection and registration

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